Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

1 f.. . ' .. t "-I ... ' . ' .· · The Table~ ' half fo manywill·nots a~ you , that flick more trueiy at a cannot. ib. 3-Confider the ·more fhamefull ones fin is, the mor~ reafon to be humbled, \ . p. ~c.~ Nay fourthly,·confider there's no greater fhame than to make away ~nes felf, . ib. 5Confider, if you would bot vex your own foul with' this ferioes <:onfiddation, it would make you kick your lufts under foot; p. -1o3 The danger of bafs pleae andpretences. 1. This. fame pleading is rbe caufe why you a(e Iazie and idle in t4e ufe of the means, vi~. bec·aufe you futfer .yoer hearts to plead, oh we cannot ~o it p. 104 2. This fame pleading brings upanevill report up~n piety and godlinefs p. I oS ~·· This fame pleading is a murmuringagainft God, q. d• .why does God give me fuch commandements that f can· not ohferve? J · ibid. 4· This is.rhe fawciefi excufe ofall excufes · p. 107 S· Nay here lies the reafon why Divines fay. that the con· verfion of a finneris an harder work than the creation of heavenand eanh,fidl: becaufe p. 108 Here is the .fame dilliculty that was in creation , for God .makes a convert of nothing ib. 2. As rhere was norhing pra!exifient in the creation ra· help, fo there was nothing to refift ·; but here is fomething to refifi, the will it r.efifieth ib. · The danger offticlejng at a w~ll nat isfarther clta.retl. . t.If you will not, Gbds Minifiers have difchaged tl:teir du· ties, and have left your blood on your own heads, P·Ioo _2. If you will not, the Gofpel hath delivered its errand, - ye are guilty ofyour own everlafiing ,perdition ·p. I J I · Nay .thirdly, if you will not, the blood of ]efus Chrifi bath done that it came for p. 1 J ~ 4• If you will not, you murder your own fouls rb. ·A feafon~bie Item to the redeemed of the Lord, that they take heed ofwil-nots;for ' ib. 1. We never fin againfi Gofpel 1 nor defpife God but only upon will-nots; . p. I J S 2. Cenfci~nce can never condemn us, nor God can never be angry wirh us,butonly upon \Yil·nots · p.,ll6 The end ;f the Ta)J~.