Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

'I Wilfullimpenitency ;Doef. The reafon "WhJ theWickJd do nGt repent notcome o11t of th~ir jins,is not becaufe tkey cannct,(though they cAnnot)hut becaufe' they wrJl tJot. · · A~.s,31• Peter faith t(\) Ananias,Whyhath Satan filled .. · ~hy heArt to lie·to the holy Ghoft,t~ J(eep bac~part ()f the priqe of the Lan.d ?was zt:?Zot, once!n thy · -power? Before thou dtdfl prom~fe · twas tn t~y · power wheth~r thou rr?ouldft promt~e or 110· , .. d1d any force thee to promife? and when thou hadfi prcomifett~did any (quee:{,e the lyoutofthy tottg_ue· that thou fuouldefr tell a lie tO: theHolyGhtJft?did anydrag thy finger to the m()ny and force·thee · to handle it?no,thou wouldfl: lie,and thou wouldeil: finger it. . . 7Demonfirations toprove this. . .,. · I. The wifked think they .havepower, ·and !';::n. yet 1 they will ,not do' according. to . their ·.wicked thought.s. What s the reafon they prefume · ta . think rheyrepent -another time, but becaufe they think have pow- they have power? what's the reafon they er to rehope to repent on their death beds, but becaufe · penr. they think they have power? or at leafr that Prov. 6. 10 they are able to beg power of C~rift Jefu.r._ .All the -Now· 1 hy their own thoughts God_wiH €onvince freewillthem, · that they do not give·over their fins, ; ~~!~'~h h.eca.u1e they will,rtot; ~ike the fluggard: , y~t a thefdo no; l~ttle fJ1.ore fleep! yet ahttle more flumber' yet a repent', hltt~le more foldtng; of the h~tnds to[leep ; the flug– beca-uf~ gard,.h~ th~nks he can. rife time enough _, a~d th? wzll d:o ~ll hts bufine[s e,re the night, though he he nhot~ 0 "t of ,a httle longer·, and therefore does he prefume t ezr own 1. h'} h · niou.th witf-0 te a w 1 e longer ·; · So .thou art lot , to G1d con. co.m-e ·out of thy fins yet, 'time enough' yet de~ them. th1nkefi thou , thou haft fetret thoughtsthou , art · •