Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

\ _ WilfNl IntpeniteN&J , · ,of ufe it,and therefore the reafon why thop4o!l: ·not, is becau~e thou wilt n9t ; Go~ hath give~ thee one talenr of p,ow_er at the l~afi ; why aoft tho·u not put it out to the merchandi.z:..crs .and / :OccupyWit~ it? -plA«,TO, ~·~is-lfcf~J«~'f,fays Chr-Jf.: ' ip~ power that God path vouchfafed thee i~ "ProY.I7· thy talent. Wpy didfi npt~~ou i~ploy ittothe f .~· · · utm. oil:? ~very ~ermpn gives theea new power, , an~~ pr~~·e? '(o every · good counfel gives thee . . I a fl~W, po~·er ; ~what art thOU better? fVery ple'ffing thou hail: had, gives ·thee a·new p'ower:~ , wherein art thou purer? does God give thee but eye~! ibouhaq: more power to glorifie h~rri ·t:hari he that harp p.one, &c. Every mercy ~elps th~e -with new power ; · but wherein do{\ 'tf•ou ufe it? God bath given thee good memo:– ry' how hail: thou fiuft it ? '~eans and main: · tenan~e, how hail: thou ho.nouredG9d? why,' &c. thine own confci~Qce accufeth thee, thou hail: ~aH:ed ~is goods, wafted rhem upori b~lly and back, w_hi~h hav.~ devoured ~ore thought~ than ever h1~ worfiup could have ; thou haft YJafted rhein upon thy credit iti tpe World, and thy pleaJure, and thy lufls, a~d thy flefh..: ly defir'es: ·How' i~ it that I hear t~is of thee? , 'Thou fhalt ~ear on~ day of this difmal watch~ , ivord, give .account of ~hy StewtZrdjhip, for thou ~ult~ ¥6/2 ·may~ft be no longer St(ward. What' do~il: thou 'I , • talking -of thy want of power ?·· I could .not;do this, arid I could not do -tq.at ; wher~ ar_e ~y goods t~at I l~nt tpee? give account t~r thy me~mory: · Lord, I remerp.ber this a~.d -thatTale·, this and that bawbie·; thou evill and · ' ' !~~~l;?'o,fit~ble /t'r1!a~:t ~hou , and why· ~euldtt , · ., · - thou· ·a • ;. ~ .,: .~-i