Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

·Thegrojfoflself-murder: -~ s pound ·; ah the wofull efta~e that th?u art in !'· if he were accurfed that dtd lay up h1s pound , what fhall become of thee that doft leffen it ? be did not double his abilities , and therefor~ he was accurfed; thou do1;t not 011lyn~t J.ouble .thy abilities ' but thouaoft leffen them. GQd bath inabled thee to do many a thing ~ and now thou art not able , -thou haft wit.:... Ji11gty leffened thine abilitie ; now then thou . ~anft not excu(e thy felf that thou canft not !) becaufe thou haft _brought this cltnnot o.n ·thy· {elf: ·Thou c.anfi not weep at a Sermon , but thou couldft once; thou can!l: not refill: fuch a J;ufi, ·but thou couldH:-once, and thQu haft wil– lingly brought .this can11ot on thy foul,and there-· fore• this is all the caufe ·becaufe that thou -wilt no~ ' , 7. Demonftration. · Maybe thou canfl nor_, 7Demon.' ~ea~, but thou art contented with thy c~tnnot ; Theyare . . thou canil not be holy , and thou att c6n- cont~nt~ ~ented li()t to be ; thou canfi not crucifie thy cd ~Jth , lutt, and thou art c<?atented with ~his _eau- ~~~~rem~ nr;t, nay thou l'ouldft no.t be ~eble. Str, I tell · · yo~ how you may put up this inj~ry if you· wiU ; ·but Sir you fhaU not make me put itup ' I wilt no.t he dire[fe~ by JOM ; , as it was ~ith defpera~e l!!dah, My people love to hav-e , . ~tfQ. Thou art .~arnal, and thouioveft to beJer.s.~r~ fo; were a -man in the flocks lJ and not able . to ·get -out, yet 'if pe be contentedto~ there, ~hough h,e ·.~annot .get out , that is not .the reafon of hts fiaytng, .but he wilt rJOt; thou ~an!\: not walk humbly and holily, a~d thoH , . 1t~yefl'to hA/11~ i~ [o; w~atwould y9u have j-~ ' ' ~ .