Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

. ~ .thetroJJefls.e!fmurder.· ' . .' 2 9 of leffer evils than fo ; the fear of mens feeing thee can. keep thee from committing adultery in the market-place ; and cannot the fear of God refirain· thee from it in priv~te? thou , darefi not tranfgreffe the J(ings Lawes for .fear of the Gallowes ; and cannot the fear of Hell ·refirain thee from tranfgreffing of Gods? Gods di[pleaf~re is greater than the Kings, and thou knowefl: it: God is truer in his Law than any mortal man , and .thou · knowefr it : and fear– eO: thou not , 1ne t fear ye not.me, faith the . Lord? Will ye 1fJOt tremble at my prefence? Jer.) . .22. Canfi thou fay rho~ art not able to fear him fo much as fervilely? that is not fo, for when thou art fick, and ready to dy, then thou wilt fear him, then Oh thou wouldeil: fain become a ·new creature, and all out of fear of the great God ; and canft thou not now? No, no, now here be pleafures to be had, and thou ·wilt have them. ; here is the World, and thou wilt cark; her~ is bufineffe,and thou wHt be ·doing ,' and thou wilt not fin de leafur~ for God. No, thou wilt not ; can{l: thou -not do this that God hidt thee, at leaft out of fear?this is nothing but a lye of Satan~ thou wouldfl: do them all for· fear of a man. Suppofe there were Lawes made that every man who does not pray ia his Family Morning and Evening fuould affuredly be hanged: vw'hofoever fwears an Oath, fhould be hanged as f-oon as he lrlath fworn it : Whofoever breaks out into any bitter rayling fpeech ' fho~ld fuffer death~ Suppofe I fay to all the duties of Religion it were dearh fo emit the!fJ, and the J(ing had made -' . ' fuch. \