Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

( \ ·Wilfu/J. Impenitency will not put it forth : He will not bring it to. humouth, f:tyes the Text. So when thou art Praying, thou wilt not put thy felf forth; when thou art reforming, .thou doeft not put thy [elf · forth ; when thou art about anygood fervtce,, rl1ou dofi not put thy felf forth; here is a Sab..: bath before thee, and a Sacrament before thee; , but thou wiltnot reach it to thy mouth ; thou wift not put thy felf forth. The Lord tell; thee thu fin will brealz thy N~c/z, and thou wilt not fo tnuch as reach it to thy mouth, no·r apply it to thy heart; may be it would humble thee, and feed thee, but thou wilt not reach it to thy mouth; what a deal of power hafl _thou? but thon putteH it forth by the halves~ when thou arc examiring thyConfcience, thou pntteft thy feifforth by rhe halves,thou mightfl: put thy Jdfforch tnanydegrees more , but,thou wik'not. · Oh Beloved, this fame poiqt wiiJ ftrik_t the- · VVorld dtt:mh IHjc-re God, even thiJ , why didye not · pJtt your feZ.veJ forth ta th2ut;;;oft? Thou haft fon1ewh~S lTI OTe in thee than by reafon ofLhy lazinelfe thou doft put foi·d1. . Six Arga- · Thtre umor~ than by rcttjon ofSluggifonefs memH? thou ptdteft fo ;,·th. , , '· · prove Jr. Firfi, it~ a fign it iJ· in thee, becaufewhen.God ·. 1. ArgIf. does convert a finner, he does not put itt n?'Wpow– .er,s and factdties into the Soul; he does not put ln a new facultyofthinkjng and Vn~erftanding, and .willing, and affecting, and remembring; · No, the foul h'!th theie faculties already , . un– derl.l:anding already, and thinking already, and · remem~ring and defiring already, and willing already, ;