Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

' the grojfefl Selfmurder. · 47 he would then drive it well : So doll ~hou, 'Qtirutm hoc e fJ et reJipifcere,thou goefi on mind- ing the things ofthis Life, Sarking and_Caring &c. Vtinam hoc ejJet rejipifcere , 0 that thts 'were to Repent; and this were togo to Heaven: thou art negligent ofPrayer,and Faith, a~dHo– lineffe, Clirift refm fave me; 1hus cnes the Drunkard, Chrift J ave me, and thus the World– lings Chrift ~efmforgive me. .Thus like~ il~ggard thou w1ilieft ; () that thts were behev1ng and ferving of God ~l Like the fluggard I fay, 0 that this were to labour 1thou mighdl: profit if thou woudft labour; ·in all labour u profit; but thou wilt not labour, and therefore inexcufa– ble. 0 what a fpeechlefs Creature ihalt thou be before Godat the lafl day 1This is the fecond ground of the DoCtrine;The reafon why awick~ ed man does not turn unto God , is not becaufe he cannot , but becaufehe will not. I fay the ground ofit is this ; . · · Everywickfd man u Jlotbful and negligent. Stir up your felves yee whofe , Heart the Lotd })ath awakened; Though the wick.Jd he flothful, will'yee be flothful alfo ? 0 what infinite Reafon bath the Lord to correCt us every one of all ? Howwoft-tlly {lothfutl ar;· hearts I I cannot mafier my unruly Heart fayes one, and I cannot call out this fame bard~ hearted Devil : Thus we fa.y like the Dif– cil:les of Chrift, we. could not caft hint ottt. 0 ¥atthletfe Generation ;' how long fball I be · with