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thegroj{eflse!fmrtrder.' ., without them. When God bath appointed their abidingi1_1 the Ship a 1:11eans of their efcape~ youihall_fee what Paul ~ales, Except thefe abf~e in the Shz.p, ye ca11not b~f~ve~,Ail. 27. So tls for Heaven, except ye abtde 1n the mea.:n~, -ye cannot be faved. . · Thirdly, Ever]foul m~tft give anaccoSJnt he.· f?re God, how he bath ufed the means, Whe– ther he bath ufeci them all yea or no. . Ancl \ accordit1g as the account· is he can give, fo fhall _his judgement be. God hath fworn this~ as 1 live faith the Lord : God bath pawned hi~ own .life upon this, that thus_ it {hall · be. As I .live fa·ith the Lora , every ·k..!tee ./hll/l_ · b~-w to me , 'and every tong~e foa/l confe.ff C"'·to God : every one of 114 all fhall give an acco11n·t ~nto - God,Rom. 14. rr, I2.everyoReofus,God will ex.ewpt nqne, we mufi: all be broughttoan account for th.efe t~ings : #will not tny he~rt bow to it ? As I live faith the Lord, .r~~e make everyknee bow to it : l'lemake you bowor I'le break you for ever : as gooddo it as not, for ye ~11give a11 account whether ye have done it or no. 'Fourthly, belo~d, God 'IJ?iJl net {et up 4no· · th~r d_oor into Heaven for ttny man i1,1 the World: - either come in at this-or you fitall never come ~n. Heel never make ltn~ther Bible: either be ruledby this or by none. Heel never chalkout another way : either go ·this way or chufe' and perifh in thy wilfulnefs-, The drunkards way fhall never be his way : the worldings way ~all never be his, nor the lazy Gofpellers his, pqr ~he ~ar~l~ife .profeffo~s h~s , hee~l Rever ~hange '-. /\ I . \