Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

/ State of a CH ·R I s T rAN~ 37 • l Creation, Angels, and Men, whoare on– ly in a Capacity to know th'\ fa1ne. Which is a Service for the Lord, wherein his . Praife and declarative Glory is fo highly concerneq, that ,a Chriftian fhould ' account -the tneaneft Roon1 herein, one of the 1noft de:fireable Attainments with... jn Ti1ne. Yea,- it fee1ns jufl Matter of Regret alfo, that this comes not under a more public Care and Notice of particu– lar Churches, and of the Chriftian Ma– g~firate (\vhere Religion hat4 any trua Regard,) to have fuch fole1nn ' Providen– ces as occur -in that Time and Place, which 1pay be called moft inftruB:ivePro... r _ vidences to the Church, (and of a further_ Reach. and Extent than any private Ufe, ) both fearched after and recorded; as be- ' comes fo high a Service to the ChriHian . Caufe,. and .one ot the higheft Concerns ·, of Pofterity: in order to have them not · only poffe{led of a pure Religion, but of , that Seal alfo, which .the Lord hath in the great .A~s pf Providence appended thereto. And thus to have that Increa{e, which each fucceffi ve Age brings there– with to the ~public Stock of the Church, look~d after, 'ris a Piece of the greatefl: Truft repofed thereon ; fo that the Chil.. · - , 1 d'ren· ' . I