Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Life of Majler John Fox, 'many fiatues ofMourners in humane likenefS. The fick Woman lay upon her Bed, without any !~~ ~h1!~~~fo~:~efh:~t~ehd~,f~~~~~n~n~g~;~ ~:~s~ly ~:n;;~~xf':~~/~~~a~fo =~~;sp;~~ ems under his hands at once? no.r thi~king fir,_ where a _grief fo violent would make ffrong refiftance, to attempt any thtng m vam, ldl, m not bemg by reafon overcome, they might feem to have had reafon on their fides, left a_ll_ other means of confolation, and what he thought ncceffary to cure their affiitled minds, he dJhgemly mingled with his Prayers; fo that within a few day!, they who were _thought impofiible, by mans h:Ip to be cured, did ~ow ftcm, of their own accord, w bcgm to recover. At length, havmg farther endeared h1mfelf, he then told her, That fhc fhould not only grow wc11 of that Confumption, but alfo Live to an ~~~~~~~~ ~aefi~r~:~:~s;~~~hm;~~d;or~eh~~;ra?:(~~~~hm~~e) r~~~leif~0fu~~~~0~h:~~~e~~Ts · Olafs agamft the Wal.l, [ m1ght beheve tt would not break to pteces; and holdmg a Glafs in her band, out of whtch fhe had newly drunk, fbe threw it forth ; neither did the Glafi, fir{\: by chance lighting on a little Chefi: fi:anding by the Bed-fide, and afterward falling upon the ground, either break ?r crack in any place about it : A~d the event fell out accordingly. For the Gentlewoman, betng then threcfcore years of age,. hved afterward for all example of feli- • city, feld?m k-en in the OJf..fpring of any Family, bcmg able, before th~ 90 year of her age, wt.~ (for fhe hved longer) to reckon three hundred and threefcore of her Cluldrens *Children and ~;.d~!'t:Grandchildrcn. . ~ . . · [=~~~ mi~~~j~~~fieeret~~~~~r~~~fa~~ri1 c~~l~ l~k:r "f:.~~i.t ~~t ~~c~e~0erv~~~ ~~~r~a~r~a~~~rgb~f~:· p~~f ~~r~" enough to dekrve lt, Th:tt whtch followeth ts more commonly known 1 than that it fhould $E~l:7!. ne::fic~ep~;fi~~~ ~~~VJ:t;:~~s. duty, as his cufiom was, to fee the Earl of ArHndrl Son to E~~;:~~: ~~~!fi!, ~:~~~~e ~~~s ~~~~~ra~a;~ibr~~~~~ ~i~00rt~at~= fJ:!e~-~~~~i:irnfh~ ~~:rE:~J ~f G•nrli.,.,_ his Garden; but obferving the River very ro~gh by the fuddain riling of the Winds, he coun~ :~~oub,felled Maflcr Fox not to truft himfelf in fo botfterous a Tempeft upon the Waters: But he con- ~;":..~~ of tinui~g in his rcfolntion of; So my lord ( quoth he) let thefe waters deal with me, as I ~.~~have m truth and fincerity dehvered to you all th:n I have ~poken: and with that enrring into :~::;r,u;~~ ~~~·~ abf~;:,~~!;h~~~~ put off from the Bridge, the Wmd ceafed1 and the River began to :t',~';h; Being ofi:cn asked by his f.1miliar Friends, why he had no more regard ~o the Uraightnefs of :C~/:'1.': his own ECbtc, it being the firfi: precept of Charity to begin at home; h1s anfwer was, That ~;. ?n~d:6e~i~;~~~~~\~:da~~efi~~l: ~;j~e~~:~~t rar,~w:l~:::n~t~d'h~a~~~~ ~~ %~~~:~£ ~~~= him, without manifeft: ingratitude? ::!!:-.:::!. Thefe :md fuch like.things, by all. men. muc.h ~ondred at, yet dare [not prefume to rh•nthubco affirm, what that was m all tbcfe alt1ons, wh1ch d1d lJCIIlCipally tend to Mafler Foxes commenX~.dation: whether it be, that the mind by how much the purer and more fublime it is, feeth fg :'.!J;'~1 much the farther· : or whether there be fame hidden caufe, why God may be pleafed fometimes ,/doubled. of. :o~=~~are his purpore,, by men, not {peaking out of their own knowledge, but as they are We mufi make hafte now to other matters, in which there was nothing that fo much wan ro Mafl:erFcx the love of people, as the pity he ufually fhewed roall forts of men indifirefs; and fame you may find, who affirm, that Mafler Fe::: nor only gave away to the poor his Money, but his Clo:uhs and 1-loufhold-fruff alfo, without h1s Wives privity; which modefi:y forbiddeth me to maintain for truth. For fince I know well enough, that many things, concerning the refi of his behaviour, have bee1~ either feigned, or amplified by the affections of men, I ought not a little to fufpeCt,JeCi: in thts rhey have done the like.True it is,that Mafi:er Fox gave largely to the Poor, and ther~in exceeded rh: meafure of ~is own fub£\:ance, but that his boumy ever proceeded to the d1sfurnifhing of h1s houfe, I netther have any Author worth the credit, who avoucheth it; nor is it likely that he fuould defcend to fucbextream courfes, who by the liberality of <:'thers that fupplied him with money to that purpofe, wanted not fufticicnt means to !hew hisChanty. All tbefe Venues of his were fenced about, as with a Bulwark, by a fingularmodefty and in· tegriry o~ life ; which fuffered not ~ny thing e~t~er to enter into. his manners, ~r to break forth . in his aCbons, but what was firfi wtth much d1hgence fearched mto and exammed, whether it might befeemhim or not; whieh alfohavingalways before him, if at any time (by the condition of mans frailty) ought within began to be fuaken, yet was provilion quickly made, before the matter proceeded to any great breach in his macners, by all commerce with any kind of Vice!, againft which the fhame to do evil, and the regard he had eo his own credit, kepc acontioualwatchand ward. Yet for all tbisthcrewantnot fomc, who accufeMaR:er Foxoflnjuflice,inthehigheR:degree; which injury, becaufe many are int~relfed in, I !hall further inquire into. Mafier Fox in that pare of his H1fi:ory, wherein he defcribetb the lamentable Troubles in the five years Reign of Q)Jeen Mary, bath by ~ame mentioned not only the Authors of thofe Executions, ·but alfo many, who were b~:~.t Mmifters aod Aili£\:ants, among whom were fame per~ ' fons of great cote. Tbi~, fom11: of their Pofierity complain to have been done unjuCi:ly by M after