Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

.A111Jo Emp.of ~m<Jn Cbrifli Gm"• Bifhops. 93' 9ll 959 Kingsof Archbi~ Englivui lhopsof C"nt~ hllrJ· AChronology. o~:~~!~~~Jotb~~lltdH~\~:;l:· bJ31~ ~:eg?':d~p~~~ V:2t~ :O!~mt, not agreeing to his Elcdion, and Lto the lixth i.s put in his Brijlanu1 is Bifhop of Winchtjftr ; of whom its feigned, that to him pr.1rs:!d~0::r:::d~A~~; :~i~h~fi! ~~J~;~:ht,~l~~~~:yrh~c ~~ O~~~~r3~~o:y~mperor, fee Vol. 1. p. J4S· and P· 19:2. col. 2 . of the great Volume. Of others, as Rtufoer, &c. he is termed Lto the fcvcmh. He is Pope [even months. Touchingthti Stephentobcthefcventh, fceVol,t.p.I61.. with p. 1 62. in themargent. lbis Sttphen having been Pcpc two y(ars,. according to ~r. Fo;c, was poifontd. Popc'Johnthctwtlfth (asMr.Foxruhnslum) isrcftoredto thcPopcdomagain. EJmunJ was brOther to .Athtlftan, fuccctds in the Crown, Atheljf11n dyingwithoutlffue. Monks arc put out of E:MflnJm Momfiery, and Canons put in thdr place. OM Arch-bilhopof Canttrbury livrd to this EJmsmJs timt, and called a I SynodtofiirupMinificntoPrtaeh. Dsmftan is now Abbot of Glaftenbur], in this Kings time, btfore he wasArchbifhopof CanurbllrJ· OfPopeMartinthcthird,and .Agapttustheftcond, ftt the firft grtat Vol.p.189. KingEJmunJ is.llain byPulchu Church. Sec the fiillgrtatVol. p. 196. col. I. EJwin\hecldefifonof King EJmunJ, fucceedsin the Throne after King 169 EJmsmJ, This King EJwin kept a firangc Woman, the Wife of a man whom he had flain (as feme fay) to which Woman he on the firll day of his Coronation, breaking from his Lords, a~d goi~g int~ the Chamber ; Dmsftnn Abbot of Glaftenbury, ~ollows h 1m, brmgshun .back by the hand, accufcs him to C?tho Archb1!bop; Otho f~parat~ h1m fro'"? the Woman, andfufpcndshlmoutofthcChurch. For!lusDifnJ/anlsmadeflyover the Sea, and the Monks, as well in other MonJfieries asDunf1ans ~~;Jaf1enbu')', are thrufiout, and. Secul:tr Priells put in their This was Pope 'John the Twelfth (as othrrs reckon.) He was an Adultncr, , a \Vhorr-mafl:er, an lncefl:uous pcrfon, an Extorrioner, a Gaimfter. From his wicktd merriment in thcfe Evils, came the Proverb, .As mtrry 111 ;;ae J~~~ ~f hls~~~:J.o~~uhf~~~}~t~~~ci;~~~f~d: o:U::r~o;~ fiore~. Of him (~ th~ 11rft gn~at VOLJ:>· 205 . Et/win IS hated for hiS 1mfdrmcanors of hiS Subjtd:s, chiefly them of NorthumbtrlanJ and Me:cia,_ by whom he is removed from his King~}' .HoHo~~~~~l\~!I~t;~~~l~~t~;;~:~~:~~~j;:~; thopofWorcefltr,thtnofi..mtJrm. Otho or Odo Archbilhop dying, King Edgar mJkes Dunf1an ArchBi!hop. This Pope Lto,(ofwhomfee thc firfi grratVolumt', p. 205.) wasfubfiitutcdPopc..inthc room of the formrrdcpofedPope .'John, Blltthe faid 'John bdng rr~ored, this Lto was depofed. Of thiS Pope Lto, fee pJg.los.ofthc_tir!l greJtVolumccol. 2, Dsmftan grts the Kmg to 1mke Ofwaldus, Nephew of Otho (as it is (aid) BilhopofWomjft r. Not lon_g.afttr, the [aid KingEJgar, at Dsmftans intreaty, made Er_hdwol- ;llls.tullMonkofG_faftenburl> then.Abbotof A_bmJon,_tobcBJ!hopoi W'ituhtjftr. OflumisrciJtcdaVJlion) appcanngr.ohun, of a Tree, whofe Branches covered rhc four Quarters of the Ktngdom, and were covered with Monks Cowls, and with one mallet Cowl on the top, .;,.,. ~~:at:,~:~: ~,J,7~;~, 0~~~~:~w:O~~~~ TI~~~~~~~~ E~:~ 17° time.inEnglan_d. Th:n~~e~~nit~~~~~~~::L~nte;:~i;~tili,~o~~o:~t~;~ :~o:h~t~~; ror Otbo his mind ; <he fa!d Emperor bc:ii~gcd Rom~,. and puts in 3gai~1 .~:~~~~;;~~~~,¥~~ ~~~~~~~~~fE,'~f~g :~~~~vmg to him and his _ Allas'Jo!mtbcThlrtrcnth: ofhimfrcthetir.ltgrcatVolurne,p•.205· Ofwa/J (made Arch·hifhop of TorA:) by pohcy makes manr PtJtfrs turn Mo~~1=~~~i~~~~~ ~;: ~~~~~~~:dei.ay-mcn ; in(omuch a~ they wert forbidden 17 r ton:~cdd!cwith Ecc!diaflicals. Bafilirt1