Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

150 Of dac Oltieci of Grace and 5uth, and as 'come. to the WÓrld Pot to condemn, but to fave Sinners ;. fo I fa-y, he .ist the formal Objcd of Faith, or that throend for which Faith be'.ieves Salvati- on. ,-4s`;ls RV; 9. Ails. iv. 12. No Naine is gi- ven by which any can be faved, but the Name of Chrif : For if ye ask a Sinner, what Ground cloth he build his Faithof Salvation upon? He will ar:fwer, Upon the .Name of Chriif, his Grace, his Merits, that he is made the bye- rant of thé' People, and made Sin fin, pg,that we may be made the Righteoufnefs of God. In this Refried Chrií% is the Way, as in the For- mer he is called the Life; as he is the Life, he is Man's material Obje6t of Faith, yam" of as he is the Way, fo he is the .formal Obj:.,t 7y J. Faith. Obj. 7o believe our own particular Salvati- on cannot be' at ali the formal, or material Ob-- jea of Faith ; becaufe Faith doth not believe a- py Thing but what is revealed in God's Word : Now it is not revealed in God's Word, either direaly or indirealy ; nor can it by any Conic- quence be gathered therefrom, that this or th::.` 'particular Man fiat/ be f i,ved : Therefore this cannot be the 0bjea of Faith : And therefore is it grounçllefs and prefaiárptuovvs for any Mm, till he know that- he ,'believes, or that he is in rt 'erte of Grace, to believe bis own Salvation. Anf To the Aífurnption J It is not re- y944,'(.1. abCq,lutesy and particularly in Scrip-. tare