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Lk-it 30 Of the 2114nner, 9 And the gloriouts,and real Difcovery of the Excellency of the Gofpel ;' and is an affe&io,, nate, glad, and hearty believing of the Truths Of the Gofpel. And, Lafily, Ve differ from. Papifts, in as much as they fay, that jullify-'. ing Faith is a general Merit, but we make the intrinfical Form of ¡vilifying 'Faith to confifl, in particular Application of the Pro- mifes. If it were granted, that this cordial, lively Atfe6tion, had form Influence ,on cur Juitifi- cation, as that without which, Faith being dead, will not juilify ; yet cloth not this in- fer, that we are juilify'd by Works, in the Apofile Paul's Senfe, for he excludes only Works that occafian Boafling; whereas, the hungring cf the Soul after Chrift for Relief, from Senfe of Want and Mifery, do not oc- cafion *Boafting, but exalt Grace, as Faith doth : For they give nothing but receive; and what Beggar will, glory, that he leeks Food, where he can get it, and that he is glad, when he hears tell, where and how his Wants may be fupply'd. Secondly, I fay Faith as praaiCally, the Affent of Faith is a praélical Knowledge, which doth'not mil: in the naked Speculation and Contemplation of its Obieer, but filch a Knowledge or Affent, that is intended to ra6iice The News of a Saviour puts out.. the Man to Leek to Chrift, to plead from his Merits