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loo The 7ryall of When the evill dayes come, wherein a manfayes, hebath nopleafure in them : as Barzillai had no taRe in his meat, by reafon ofold age. So when our expeaations or defires are croffed, or are like to be, and we begin to faire of thofe maine props of the comfort ofour lives, we are apt to have a lifllefneflë to all other plea- fares : when force one thing that was a fawce to all the refl, is gone or like to goe, we then have no flomach to all the reti, and we are wearyof living, as David was when Abfalom was gone, mould / hid dyedfor thee. Some great croffe comming, may like' thunder fowre all our ¡oyes and delights, and make them Rafe to us, and as dead drink to the flomach. Terror of confcience may like an eclipfe overfpread our fpirits, and then all things lofe their beauty and lullre, as things in the darkufe to doe : as yob (ayes of himfcWe in his defertion, that hisfoule had no morefweet- nefre in all comforts, then in the white ofan egge : For fuch oc- cafions as thefe doe draw the intention another way, and doe take the mind up about Gods wrath, or the afliietions we are in, fo as it cannot run out to fin ; and intention, you know, is the caufe of all pleafure. As therefore when by Rudy the fpirits are drawn up to the head, a mans (lomach decayes to that meat he moll loved ; fo when terrorsdrinke up the fpirits, as lob fpeaks : but when that heat is over, and intention difmmi(fed, a man reco- vers his [lomach againe; and fo doe men their appetites, to finne, when they come forth ofterrors. And shis will help you to find out the true reafon, why that young,Orillians are often more dead to all pleafures of finne, then thofe who are grown up, or then themfelves are when grown up : they are often then altogether dead to all mirthand other contentments, and yet they are not more mortifi,_d then afterwards : For then legali humiliation adds to their deadneffe. And bLfides that full deadly blowwhich Chrifl gave their !Lifts then in part, the Law air° and the bitcerneffe of finne did lay that part of their lulls wl ich re- mained unkilled, in a ftvoune, that one would think all were dead. Sin revived, faith Paul, andIdyed, Rom. 7. H fpeaks of that time when he lay humbled for finne; during which time, we reade in the ilt7J, he failed : He had no mind to meat nor drink, for three dayes, he forgot all. And againe, as then they are ufually fo taken up about pardon òf finr e, and the obtaining thereof,