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io6 Obier/. Anfv. The Tryall of Secondly, everynew degree of true mortification purgethout afinne, as it it finne, and works again[} it under that confedera- tion : and ifagainft it uPanne, then the fame power that works out any finne, works againft every finne in the heart allo. Now that every new degree works againft a finne , a1 it t finne, is plain by thís,becaufe if it be purged out upon any other refpeC, it is not mortification. Thirdly, the Spirit, and the virtue that comes from Chrift, which are the efficient caufes of this purging out a finne, doe alto work againft every finne, when they work againft any one ; and they have a contrarietie to every lull ; they fearch intoevery veyne, and draw from all parts. Phyfitians may give elettive purges, as they call them, which will purge out one humour, and not another, but Chrils phyfickworks generally, it takes away all forts ofdif}empers. And whereas the Objee4ion againft this may be, that then all lulls will come to be equally mortified. Ianfwer, No, for all hafts were never equally alive in a man ; fome are ftronger, fomeweaker by cuftome, through difpofition of bodyand fpirit ; and therefore though mortification extends it felfe to all, } et there being an inequality in the life and growth of thefe firmes in us, hence force remaine (till more, force leffe mortified ; as when a floud of water is left to flow into a field, where many hits are of e iffering height, though the water over- flows all equally, yet fotne are more above water then others, becaufe they were higher before of themfelves. And hence it is that force firmes, wen the power of grace comes, may be in a manner wholly fubdued, namely, thole whichproceed out of the abundance of naughtineffe in the heart,as ['wearing, malice againft the truth ; and thefe the children of God are ufually wholly freed from, and they feeme wholly dead , being as the excre- ments of other members, and being as the nailes, and the haire, they are wholly pared off, as was the manner to a Profelyte woman ; the power of Grace takes them away, though other members continue vigorous : And therefore of fwearing Chrift fayes, What ù more then Tea,yea, andNay, nay, is x its rovaQi:, out of a profane heart : As when a man is a dying, forme members are [tiffe and cold, andcleave dead long afore, as the feet