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The Table. 3. It u not limply to be ofimated by the lorgnette or f malneffe ofour oppor- tunities ofdoinggood, (which may vary) but by an heart to doe good. 50 4. It is not alwayes to be meafured by acceffary graces, as joy,'prituall ravifh- meats, tic. ibid. 5. It is not to be meafured by encreafing in profeffion, andfeeming forward- nefre, butby inward andfu'bflantiall godlineffe. 51 6. How in the lorgnette of the affe7ions to good, there ml be a decreafe:And howyoungChriftians may have more large affetltons; whichyet are notlb genuine and fpirituall. ibid. 7. We mull not meafure our growth, by our growing in Tome Rind or fort of duties, but in the univerfall extent ofgodlineffe, and in duties both of our generall andparticular callings. 53 Howyoung Chriftians abound more often in holy duties for a time, and thenece.ftity ofthisfor their condition. ibid. CHAP. IV. Wbat it u to bring forth more fruit, explicated pofitively wherein manydirea tryals offuch agrowth aregiven. 55 . Tryall. IfWegoe on to the exercife ofneWgraces. ibid. 2. Tryall. IfWefindnewdegrees ofthefamegrace added. 56 3. Tryall. Jffruitsandduties growmore ripe andfjirituall, though not more in bulk. 57 What it ù that gives afiirituall rtlifh to thic fruit. 4. Tryall. Ifthe heart-grows more rooted into Chri!l. 5. Tryall. Ifwe learne pore to bringforthfruit in feafon. 59 6. Tryall. IfWe grow more confiant and eaven ina holy courfe. ibid." 7. Tryall. If though our difficulties and oppo/itions be more, andmeans Leffe, yet We continue to bring forth as well as when our meanies were more, and difficulties loge. . ibid. 8. Tryall. IfthoughWe -doe leffe, yet wegrowmore wife, and faithfull to lay out our abilities, and itproveour opportunities to thegreater advantages for Godsglory mad the goodofothers. 60 5g The Tryall of a Chriftians Growth. PART II. Of Growth in purging out corruption. CHAP. I. The Obfervation out ofthe Text propounded, that God goes on to purge out our corruptions. Bounds let to the Difcourfe about it,