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6 The Tryall of man, and as [lrange a Husbandman as Chrifl a Vine. For fira, he is the very root of the Vine it felt, which noHuf- bandman is to any Vine ; thereforehe that is the Vine calls the Husbandman his Father, My Father is the Husbandman. This Vine fprings out of his boforne by eternall generation, for this is the derivation of our Off-fpring, Chap. 14.20. lam in my Fa- ther, and you in me. And Chap. 5.26. The Father , He bath life (originals) in himfelfe, and gives it to the Sonne, and the Sonne to us, and thence fpring living fruits, the fruits ofrighte- oufneffe. 2. He is the ingraffer, and implanter ofall the branches into this Vine. Efay 6o. zá. he calls them hie righteous people, [the branch of my planting] the Workof my hands. Other. Husband - men doe but expect what branches their Vines will of them- felves bring forth, but God appoints who, and howmany (hall be the branches, and gives them unto, and ingraffs them into his Sonne. 3. He appoints what fruit, and what floreof fruit thefe bran- ches (ball bring forth, and accordingly gives the increafe, which other Husbandman cannot doe : Paul my plant, andApolios may Water, but God onelygives the increafe, i Cor. 3.7. ThoughChrilf merited, yet the Father decreed every mans meafure of fruitful- ne(fe. 4. He is themolt diligent Husbandman that ever was for he: knowes, and daily views, and takes notice ofevery branch, and ofall their fruit : for (ayes the Text, Every branch that brings not forthfruit, be takes away, &c. therefore knowes who beareth fruit, and doth not. He knowes their perlons, Who are his, and who are not, z Tiyn.2. a9. not fo much as one man could come in Without a weddinggarment, but he fpies him out. 5. The moll carefull he is daily topurge his Vine : fo fays the fecond verse. And ofall poffeffions, faith Cato, Xulla pofj"efia majorem operar; requirit, Vineyards need as much care, and more then any other. The Corne, when it is Towne, comes up, and groves alone , and ripeneth, and comes to perfetlian, the Huf- bandman feeping andWaking, he knowes not how, faith Chrill : But Vines mutt be drekfupported, flaeltred, pruned, well.nigh every dayo And