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a Chritiar Growth. Chrif1,frech adependence as a branch hath upon the root, in bring- ing forth its fruit. For, my brethren, this you mull know, that as it is etfentiall to Evangelical' SanElifacation todoe all f,r ano- they, as your end, namely, to God ; fo to doe all in the firength ofanother, as your foie afl Rant, namely Chriff, who works all in you, and through whofe firength, faith Paul, I am able to doe a things, and nothing without it. The life we z by faith, and it is not I, but Chrifi who lives in me. Therefore we finde both thefe joyned, Phil, i. t t. The fruits of righteoaafneffe by 7eftu Chrifi, to the prafe andglory ofGo t. The latter [To the glo- ryofcod] is mentioned as the final! caule ; the other [By 7efus Cbrif#] as the efficient caufe : Both thcfe are nece(laryunto true What it is to San ification. For as we are to honour the Husbandman by ma- bring forth king him our end, fo alto the root, by doing all in him, and from fruit [ in him.Now temporarie Beleevers,as they do all principallyfor them- Chriíl l ex- felves,fo allo all asfrom themfelves : and as they do not make God Pi aimed. their end, fo nor Chrift their root. And fo fome expound that phrafe in the Parableofthe flonyground,'Luk. 8. 13. when it is laid theyhave no root, (though I think hemeans alto inherent ha- bits ofgrace infufed,for it is added,no root [in themfelves,] which lob call the root ofthe matter which was in him) it is becaufe they fetch not their firength todoe all they doe from Chrifi by faith, and from their unionwith him. And the reafon is this, becaúfe they are never emptyed ofthemfelves, (which is the root we all doe grow upon) either in regard of their ozone ends, or of their ozone efficifncie ofworking. Whereas we muff all be brought to nothing in our felves, both in regard offelf.gmes, and alto abili- tiesof working; and till our hearts are inwardly taught that leffon, that We are notfuffcient, as ofourfelves, we will not goe out of onr felves, todoe ail in Chrifi. And therefore,' ti eip.was nothing which Chri(t endeavoured more to engraffegpon their hearts then this Principle now at his departure, asit is ver. 4, 5. And indeed it is as hard a thing for nature to live out of its felfe, and fetch all from another, as not to live to its felfe, but to another. We are fu'1 ofour owneflrength,as well as ofour ozone ends. And although thefe unfruitfull branches they do in- deed receive all their ltrength from Chrifi, and fó all they doe in what is good, is from him : yet they doe no honour Chrift C zs i