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2. nweft. Whether all BJceveis doe diiiiüftly fetch verrue from Chrill by faith. Anfw. I The Tryall of If in the fecond place, the que[lion be, Whether, every true believer Both from his fuft converfion this diflinciy and know. ingly (to himElf) fetch thus all power fromChrift, and doe all in him ? The anfwer is, i. That to all beleevers this principle of ha- ving recourfe to Chrift for acing their Sancification, may (hap- ly) not prefently be fo diflin&ly revealed as it hath been to foche; this indeed is common and abfolutely neceflary to all beleevers, to conflitute and make them fuch; namely, that their faith ¡build have recourfe toChri(t,and to takehim for theirSalvation, in the large and generals notion of it,as it unfolds all under it that is to be done to fave them ; and thus many. more ignorant doe, whenyet they have not learnt explicitely in every particular that concerneth their falvation, to have frequently a di(linc recourfe "unto him : it is probable that thefe very Difciples of Chrift (who yet favingly beleeved) had not this particular principleof bring- ingforth all theirfruit ofholinefe inChrift, as their root, untill this very time and Sermon whereby Chrift enformed them in it, fo clearly revealed to thorn, nor till then foclearly apprehended by them ; for ignorant they were of, and negligent in having re- courte to Chri(l in many other particulars, and making ufe of him therein, which are of as much concernment as this. They had not fo ditlintly and explicitely(as would feem)put their prayers up in Chrifis name, Hithertoyou have asked nothing in my name, john i6. 24. Neither had they fo frequently exercifed faith on Chrifi in all things as they had upon God. Therefore john 14.1. he calls upon them, re beleeve in God, beleeve alfo in me. 2. Many forts of principles beleevers hearts may fecretly have been taught, which alfo habitually they pracice, and yet they may be exceeding hidden and latent in them in refpec of their own difcerning them ; as was the cafe alfo of thefe Difciples, john 14.4 fayes Chrifl, The way (namely, toheaven) ye knew : and yet, ver. 5. Thomafajes, How can we know the' Way ? and then,ver.7, Chrift fayes of them againe, that Thíy knew himand `the Father ; and yet ver.8. Philip again faith tohim,Lord. Jhew us the Father,fpeaking as if they wereignorant ofhim, for Chrift re- bukes him, ver.9. and tels him hehad both l eenhim and hu Father. Thofe principles of Atheifme and unbelief, (as thole fajings in the