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4Chriflians Growth. captive, I might well have expeed the fentenceof condemna- tion to have followed, but I finde, (ayes he, that God till par- dons me, and accepts me as much as ever, upon my returning to him ; and therefore I doe proclaim with wonder, to all the world, that Gods ¡unifying grace in Chrift is exceeding large and rich. And though there be many corruptions in thole that are in Chrifl, yet there is no condemnation to thole who are in Chrift, that walk after the Spirit, though ilfh be in them : And this at once both clears our ¡unification by Chrills righteoufneffe alone, and alfo magnifies and extols it. It clears it, therefore howBoth this remaining of corruptions afford to our Divines that great demonftration againft the Pa- piíts, that we are not ¡unified by works, nor are thole workes perfea, (which they fo impudently affirme again(' their own ex- perience) even becaufe corruption Rains the belt, and our bell righteoufnef fe is Gut as a menfiruous cloth. And as it clears it, fo likewife it extols it : For how is Grace magnified, when as not only all the fins and debts a man brought to Chrift to pardon at firfi converfion are pardoned, but after many relapfes ofus, and provings bankrupt, we are yet dill fet up againe by free grace with a new flock ; and though we fills run upon new fcores every day, yet that thefe thould Rill be paid, and there fhould be riches of love enough, and flock e- nough, that is, merit enough to hold out to pardon us, though we remained in this mixt condition of finning, toeternity, this exceedingly advanceth the aboundingof this grace. 2. It ferves exceedingly to illuftrate thegrace of perfeverance, and the power of God therein ; for unto the power of God is our perfeverance wholly attributed. i Pet. r. ï. 7'e are kept (as With agarrifon) as the word Ggnifies, through the power of God untofalvation. And were there not agreat and an apparent dan- ger of mifcarrying, Inch a mighty guard needed not ; There is nothing which puts us into any danger, but our corruptions that Rill remain in us, which fight againfi thefoul, and endeavour to overcome and deflroy us. Now then to be kept maugre all thefe; to have grace maintained ; a fpark of grace in themid(' of a fea of corruption ; how doth this honour the power of God in keeping us'? As much in regard of this our dependency D2 on