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dn Att .to At eh On 4. a# . e AAAt Rn e,f. . et, 41 e+ .to 4, A,- et. eb 4fgF4Pgii0g?4044g4$4K4A4fmi in Item. :ffi THE TRYALLI 4 41, .O F Ut` A CHRISTIA NS GROWTH 014' g fi 4 I N ; s :Ort1Cdt10T, Purging out Corruption. . a N 4R . Vivification, Bringing forth morefruit. ay ,e,,, A `lreatife handling this C.A s E, How to difcerne our-Growth in G R e c E: Affording vt. fome Helps rightly to judge thereof, ;; 1. B 7' i, Refalving fome Tentations, About S irituall Clearing fome Mffakes , 4 nfrvtringforge ,ueáons, Growth. Together with forne 0bfer'bationf upon t. i the Parableof the Vine, lohn 15. I, 2. verfes. 6 t3 o ,._ j ByTHo: GOODwIN,B.D. . Let zu sleanfe our felves from alllthinef j"e offle/h andjidrit,per- prs. feefingholinefe its thefe,ere ofGod. .% K t- a'Z' Printed byJ.9. for kÌlaarrlmara, i6o. 9 . °,, arsV 4:g 4 LONDON,