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The 7ryall of Difciples, who wereconverted before ; but faith thrift, unlefle ye gtow, (there being a farther meafure appointed youof my ]Father) youcannon enter into heaven. There is therefore as great a neceffity togrow, as to be borneagain, or elfe wecannot enter intoHeaven. CH AP. II. 4n explication how the Saints doe grow : many confide- rations tofatisfie thofe that difcern not their Growth. HAving given you the reafons, I will now explicate the point. And that chiefly for the fatisfaCtion of thofe whofe maine doubts and troubles about their eflate, are occafioned by their want ofdifcerning themfelves to grow, and fo call into queflion the workbegun, becaufenot carryed on fo fenfiblyunto perfeeti- as they,expe& and defire. Their obje&ions are many and divers. They fay, when they were young, they then had more fpiri: tuall enlivenings, and quickneffeof affections, more joy in du- ties, &c. that formerly they had more zeal inwhat theydid for the good ofothers, and more fruit of their labours ; that here- tofore they havefpent more time in duties, in conference, and hearing, &c. that others Itart up, who have more grace the firft day, then they have been getting many years. Yea they are fo far fromdifcerning that theygrow, that they rather think that they fall back, and therefore fear even the truth of grace in them, becaufe all beleevers grow. Now the fcopeofall which I ¡hall fpeakof thisargument, will tend to this, to help fuch to difcern and judge aright of their eflates herein, and to free them from fuch miftakes and errours as their objé&ions areufually founded upon. s. Con1deric: And firfl, concerning this kind of tentation and trouble, let on in general!: me premife thisone Obfervation, concerning whatfort ofcon- verts this temptation isapteft to feizeon. Youall know, that there are two more eminent and confpi- cuous