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50 3. The T'ryall of ther that had fewer endeavours, though more fucceffe, Thirdly, this growth in grace, and bringing forth more fruit, is not (imply to be reckoned by the largeneffe or fmallneffe of thofe opportunities which men have of doing more or leffe good, and fo, By the bringing forth of more fruir, in refpec`t of more opportunities vouchfafed. Some that have more grace, and better gifts, have their (hop-windowes (hut, night overtakes them, and the power ofdarkneffe, as it did Chrift himfelfe in the end, and then they cannot Work. Others have 'ear (hops to work in, and yet have more grace ; yea, the fame man may have larger opportunities when young, and lefler when he is old, and yet growes, and brings forth before God more fruit , becaufe he accepts the will for the deed : So the Baptift was hindred in his latter time in prifon, when yet hebrought forth more fruit, and therefore heenvied not Chrifl that got all his cuflome, his hea- rers and Difciples, but rejoyced that the work went forward, though not by himfelf : here was as much grace expreffed, as in many Sermons. So Paul, he was much of his time in prifon, yet then he ceafed not to bring forth more fruit that fhould tend to his falvation, for Phil. i. 15, i6. when as he being in prifon, he heard others preached, and that out of envie to him, others out of good will, /in prifon rejoyced, (ayes he, that Chrift ú preached, though I cannot doe it my felfe : and I know, (ayes he, 'awl this Jhall turn to my falvation, ver. 19. Thefe fruits were as much, and would bringhim in as muchglory as his preaching. Indeed when a man (hall prize opportunities of doing good, and for them voluntarily let goe all opportunities of advancing himfelf and, or eafe, or carnali advantages, then the more fruit he brings forth in thofe opportunities, the more is reckoned on his fcore. Fourthly, it is not alwayes tobe meafured by acceffarygraces, asjoy, and fpirituali ravifhment,&c. which tend to thebene efe, the comfort of a Chriflian : but it is to be eflimated rather by thofefubftantiallgraces,as faith, humility, love, thong and folid affe&ions to what is good. The other may decreafe , when thefe that are more fubitantiall doeincreafe. Thefe fweet blooms may fall off, when fruit comes on ; though the gloffe wear out, nomatter, fo the fluffe be ftrang and fubitantiall. oungChri_ flians