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The ?'ryali of for a time, hath a work upon it per redundantiam, as an unrege- nerate manhath who is a Temporary : which work on the unre- generate part doth decay, as in Temporaries it doth, and grows leffe : not onely godly forrow is [lirred to rnourne for finne, but carnal! forrow being awakned by Gods-wrath, joynes alfo, and fo makes the ftreame bigger. Infidelity it (elfe, like Simon ,plague, for a while beleeves. Whin the things of grace are a wonder to a man, (as at fitti they are) prefumption joynes and eekes out faith ; a great party in the he.rt cleaver by flattery, (as the phrafe is in Daniel) and for by-ends, which after fume progrefle fall offand faint in the way ; and thofe lulls that over and above their true mortification were further call into a fwoune, begin againe to revive. All this was refembled to us by the commingof the Children of Ifrael out of Egypt, when by thofe plagues in Egypt, and Mofes his call, not onely the Ifrae- lites, but even many of the Egyptians were wrought upon, and began out offelf love to feare the Lord, Exod,9. zo. and foa mixed multitude, it is fail, went out with the Ifraelites, Exod. 20.38.. to facrifice to the Lord ; but ere long, as .ZVumb. i i. 4. thismixt multitude began to murmur, and to fall off : So at a mans firft fctting out, at his fir [i converfion, mixt carnal! affections, the un- regenerate part, through the_ncwneffe of the objects, and im- prefion of Gods wrath, and heavenly ravifhments, are wrought upon, and goe out with the new Ifrael to facrifice, but after a while tilde fall away, and then the number is Idle ; but the true Ifraelites may be encreafed. Hence it is, that young Cbriflians, (if they know their hearts) complain more of hypocryfie, and old Chriftians of deaàneffe. So in times of peace, prefumption eeks out faith, and makes it fume a great deale, which in times of defertion and tryal, falls off; and then though the beleeving partie be lefte, yet more (inure. When the fire is firfi kindled, there is more fmoke, even as much as fils the houfe ; but after the flame comes, that contracts all into a narrow cornpaffe, and bath more heat in it : So it is in young Chrifcians, their affecti- ons, (which Chria compares to the fmoabing flax) their joy in duties, their forrow for finne, their love of God is more, but exceeding carnal ; the flame after, though leffe, growes purer, and lelle mixt withvapours of corrupt fell-love. Seventh!?