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a C'hriflians Growth. them a goodblow, is it not muchbetter ? when a man watcheth in all things, as he exhorts Timothy, 2 Tim. 4.5. and f rves the feafon, as fome reade it, Rom. 12. i r. that is, waits for the belt advantages ofdoing good, bothwhich may ftand with fervencie offpirit, and enduring affliilions, for fo the next words are in both thofeplaces. A man is no leffe liberali that (Indies how to lay out his money to molt charitable ufes, though he gives leffe to fewer particulars. We live in a wickedworld, and godly men cannot dowhat theywould, as wicked men alto cannot. When therefore a man looks about him, and ftudies to improve h m- felfe to the utmoft advantage for God in his place, to lay out his credit, his parts, and all for God, as a faithful) Faaor in the belt wares, though he deales in fewer particulars, he may not- with(tanding bring forth more fruit. And thus much for matter of Tryall about thefirit thing, pofitive growth in fruit. fulneffe. THE