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68 The Tryall of more f la (hood thenhe could ever have imagined, Oh purge me, (ayes he upon it. Secondly, he fets the heart on work to make it a bufineile to get ones lu[ts mortified more and more and not to reft in the meafureattained. Phil. 3. 1. Paulforgot What way behind, he did gill defire tohave more fellowfhig with Chrift in his death and fufferings, in the death offinne ; when a mans heart is fet upon the worke, as that ' a '41/Gv, he came into the world for, as David, who took upa refolution, IfaidIwould look to mywages ; fo when a man hath laid unto himfelfe, I will grow in grace, as they fay, Iwillbe rich, 2Tim. 6. and fo looks at it ashis bufineffe, being as muchconvinced of this, that he fhould be more holy, as he was at fir[t that he was to be new borne ; when growth of grace is as much in a mans eye, as getting graceat first was, and as great a necefïity made of the one as of the other. This con- vi Lion many want, and fo take no care to grow more holy and more pure. Phil. 3. 15. If any be otherwife minded, (Mayes the Apottle) that there isno fuch abfolute necefïìty of going on (till toperfection, God(bail reveale it to him. God doth reveale and fet on this upon every godly mans heart at one time or another, and fo goes on to purge them. And this is alfo exprefled tous, 1 Pet. 4. 1. For admuch ad Chrifl bath fisf fered for uo in the f efb, [let us arme] ourfelves with thefame mind ; namely, to mortifie our lulls : for it follows, He that bathfuffered in thefiefh, that is, bath mortified his lults, bath ceafedfromfnne. That fame arming there, is Gods putting into the mind a ttrongand invincible refo- lution to go through with this worke ; when he armes and [teeles it againft all difficulties, all encounters. This is meant by arming wwith thefamemind ; That as Chrift looked upon it as his bu- fineffe why hecame into the world, even to fuffer for us ; fo for us to look upon it as our bufineffe, to crucifie our lulls. When therefore we intend all our indeavours upon this worke, and mind nothing in comparifon, pray for nothing more , receive Sacraments for this purpofe, and heare and performeall other duties with an eye to this, profecute this bufineffe as the main,; when God bath put fuch a refolution into a man, and preferves it, thenhe goeson topurge him. Thirdly, God doth it by drawing the lap and juice ofthe affe&ion 4