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a Chriftians Growth. themfelves : He layes not, riches, and preferment, &c. (though he fpeaks of them) but the lulls of the eye, and pride oflife, (fo he expreffeth them) becaufe they are thefe Lulls, makes the things fo glorious to us, and letsa price upon them. And therefore fo much magnifying and high efleeme ofoutward things as there is in us, fo much inordinate lull there is in the heart after them, and fo much want ofmortification ; and when thefe lulls boiling in us fume up fo high as to intoxicateand corrupt our efteeme and judgments (which though grace fhould keep us from purfuing thefe vanities) that yet we look upon themwith a wanton eye, and thinke great matters in them, and think our felves as it were debarred and relfrained offo much of our happinefle, whiff} we want, and cannot enjoy them, this argues an unmortifyedneffe : for herein lies the power of mortiflAtion, even to count all things droffe and dung, to looke upon them as crucified things, to have them feeme all as withered flowers, as final! things, as he fpeaks ofmans efteeme, i Cor. 4.3. Secondly, when our minds are carried out to fuperfluities, and 2. more then needs, and are difcontented with our own condition, though it be fuchas might content us, this argues a great want of purging, this is from fuperfluity, of humours abounding in the heart. When they in the wildernell'e, though they had Manna, yet they mull have Qails alto ; when there are fuch extrava- gant affenions in us, that we thinke any other condition would pleafe us better then our owne, this argues much unmortifyed- nefle, though it run not out into ans; it is the fuperfluity of naughtinefe, the exceffe of corruption that thinks flolne meate fweet, as in the Proverbs. When our . longings are wild and hu- morous, like the longings of women with child, whom nothing but fome one odde thing they have fet their fancie on, will pleafe like lick mens flomachs, with whom nothing will down that is provided for them, but ffill they have a mind rather to fomething elfe ; fo nor wewith what God allots us. And when we are environed about with comforts, yet all are nothing, if fome one be wanting. Such unmortifyed lulls we fee in Sampfon, though a good man, yet none ofthe daughters of Ifrael could pleafe, but he muff have one ofthe Philiftims, yudg.14. 3. Thirdly, when our minds are fo glued to anything, as we can- 3. K 3 not 73