Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

4-6 1 The vAnitie_ . ·1excrtinents . cow~ · frcui1 , , m~n,wh.en veryweak.and ,fick, eretheyarf: awarc-Gf it ; fo doe_ worldly th,ought~ ,from us, an4we ar.e ~ carried out of that " tl:reame ofgoodou-r mind _ - ~ - was runnin-g in, into fo-me by-creek ere "rVe are aware of it~ . Fourthly,the~anity of the minde appear~s, in reI !1 1 1· . gard ofg10d things :. that '1 1 if it OOth thinkeof them, ! 'l; - yet it doth it ~ ~n(eafonahly. 1 :l: It is \vith your thoughts , ~ as with your fpeeches, their goodnes lies in their placing and order, P.rov. : .25 .. r I. Iffttly .JP~kell,they .. -~re M Apples if Geldin pi.. t llures. ·of Silv-er. · ~A.nd as \. i1 ~ . .·a man is to.bring -forth - · ~ aCtions