Directions to the Binder. Tbe Treatifes are to be placed in tbi5 Order, q. 'The Expofition 1.1pon the 'R._ewlation. 2.. Of the Knowledg of God the Father, and his Son J efus Chrifl:. 3· Of the Creatures, 1nd the Condition of their State by Creation. 4· Of Election. The fix Sheets marked [ R l [ S J [ 'T J are to be plac'd at the .end of the Second Pook of Elettion, follov~ng the Sheet Q_ A THE
THE CONTENTS To the Enfuing T REAT IS E. 'Qr~e Jfftl! wart; CHAP.I.THe Dejgn ofthe Book_ of the Revelation. That it is a 'Prophecy, wherein, as in a Vijion, the Story ofall Times is reprefcnted. The prophetical part of it be– gins at the 4th Chapter. An Expojition of the 4th Chapter. The Vijion of the Throne, Beafls, and Elders. .AReprefcnt•tion of the Ch11rch in all Ages, Pag. I. CHAP. 11. The Expofttion of the sth Chapter. A jhorl accOHnl of the Time which Jome fix: for his Fall, 63 CHAP.VIil. The Expojition ofChap.14. where– in the State of the TrHe Church under Anti– chrift is defcribed, 'jo 't'rfie S5ieconn J;Jnrt. 'l""'He Story of the Church from the Times ~ of the firft Separation from tbe Beafr the Pope, until the Glorious Kingdom of Chnfl:, Pag.n CHAP.III. The Scheme and Dh:ijon of the CHAP. I. The I 3th Chapter whole Prophecy, front the beginning of the verf. 6 to the end, explained, front 83 6th Chapter, 17 CHAP. IV. Of the fix firft Seals in Chapter the Jixth, 29 CHAP. V. The fix jirft Tmmpets,. 50 Sea:. I. The Expo(ltion ofthe 8thChapter. :rhe . four fi'rft Tmmpets jignifjing the R11in of the Wejlern Empire, 51 SeCt.~. The Expojition ofthe 9th Chapter. The 5th and 6th Trumpets betok§n the min ofthe Eajlern Empire, which was ji'rfl brok§n by the Saracens, and at lafllltterly dtiflroyed by the Turks, Anno Dom. I453· 53 Sect. 3· The Expojition of the 7th Chapter, why referv'd till after that ofthe 8th& 9th. Wbo are intended by the 144000 Perfons that were foaled in tbeir Foreheads, 54 Sect. 4· .A Jbort view of the 1oth and I Ilh Chaptm. The Ends for which the n,;ghty Angel, i. e. Chrif/, defcended from Heaven. The Seal· ProphecJ being clojed, a New Pro· phecJ is given, which begins at Ch.I2. 59 CHAP. VI. Of the 'Book:Prophecy, that begins at Chap. I 2. An account of the general De– Jign of it, 6 I CHAP. VII. The Expojition of Chap. I 3· in · which is jet forth the flate of the Falfe Church under Antichrijl:. What his Name, and the Nnmber of his Name denotes to us. CHAP.II. The Expojition of Chap. I 5· ae CHAP. III. The ExpojitionofChap. 16. AD;; vijion of the Vials ; the two /aft briefly tOHched, 93 Sect. I. Seven things premifed for the under– ftanding the jive ji'rft Vials, which are upon the Beafl and his Company, 94 sea:. 2. .A part1e1tlar and more large Explication of the jive frft Via!J on the Beaft and his Cotnpany, 97 CHAI>.IV. The Expojition of Chap. 11. which Wt/5 b11t briefly touched upon in the Firfl: Part the larger Explication being referved here,..; its proper place, 105 sea:. r. Five Generals pre11tifed for the Hnderjlanding of it, ibid, SeCl:. 2. The meafnring the Temple, and cafling 011t the 011tward Co11rt, Ch.I I.V.I,2. I 13 §.I. An Explication ofthis do11ble CompNtation of I 260 D4Js, and 42 Months; A11d why they are together here mentioned, ibid, §. 2. Tbe Occnrrences that foil o11t towards the expiring of theft Times here comp11ted. A11d jirjl,a general view and divijio1s ofthem, I 16 §. 3: The Ocet~rrences, verf. 1, 2. (the meaJit· rmg the Temple, Altar, &c. and the leaving o11t the Outward Court, and treading down the Holy City) more particHlarl; and fHUy explained, 11 g CHAI',
The Co N T E N r s. CHAP. V. The Expojition of Chap. I I. conti– nued. The Defcription of the Witneffis, verf. 3, 4, 5, and 6. I 34 Sell. I. Some thingr in general premifed. The divijion of the partie~tlar A/Jr afcribed to them: with the order d"d tinte ofedth, ibid. Sell. 2. The A/Jr of the Wit11ejfer; frjl, in the darl<!fl Timer of Popery, withholding the Rain, W/Jat ? Next in the Timer of Sepa– ration from Popery, in the three frjl Vials, verf. 6. I37 Sell. 3· The .dt1r of the Witneffis in thi< their /aft Age ofProphecy. And firjl, their devou– ring with Fire, (verf 5.) What ? The AI· bifion thereof•mto Moles hi< dejlroying Na· dab a11d Corah's Cbmpa111 with Fire, ap· plied, I38 Sell:. 4· Seco11dl;, Their Temple.wor/z i11 their !aft Dayr, in being two Olive Trees, ex· plained; from the Allujion to Jofhua's and Zerubbabel'sji11ijlJing the Temple, I4I CHAP. VI. The kjUing of the Witnejfer;VerC7, 8, 9, 10. of Chap. 1 J. . I44 Sell. I. The Time of their three Years and an half not yet come. A retonciliation of thn a11d Mr. Brightmail'sOpinion, in a double · f•lfi/Jing of it, ibid. Sell. 2. The AU11(ion unto Chrijl'r /aft Pajjion, in thi< /aft jla11ghter of the Witneffes, ex· plained, .149 Sell. 3· That thi< kjl/ing of the Witnejfer if to be exeroted by, and 11nder the Power of the Beaft ofRome : And fo co11ld 110t be meant of any of the former PerflC11tionr in the Re· formed Ch11rchu, which were from among themftlve_r, I 50 Sell+ The Time of the Beafl'r enjoying thir jitO Tl'i/Jory bHt three Teart a11d an half The Time of obtai11ing it, and of kjOing the Wit· nejfe;, may be longer, 152 Sell. 5· The Jlurpneji and extent of t/.Ji< Vi/Jo– ry, horv great ; whether unto Death natural, or Martyrdom, diji:11jfed, 154 Seet.6. Of tlut ColltOIJiit,mt of the Wit11ejJir KiUing. The Nations fteing their dead Bo– dies, and not jitjfering them to be p11t in Graves. Several Smfts given ofit: Whe– ther tah.fn as an Office of Favo11r, or an In– jltry.And whether to be 1inderjlood ofFriends or Enemies; difc•1fed, I 60 Sell.7. Of the Vniverfolityof thi< Slaughter. Whether reaching to a/J Ch11rches reformed, and in them, to aD Profe./Jors, or only to emi~ 'IJetJt Witnejfes. That fiJme one fJtay be more eminently dejigned. Wbat is meant by the Street of tbe City, &c. 163 CHAP. vn. The ri}ing of tbe Witneffis; from Verfll . to the 15th ofChap. 11. 168 Sell. I. Three thi1;p in gweral obfirved.Chrifl's RejiJrrelliollthe Pattel"n oftbil• The Propor.. tior.s between their Killing and Ri(ing. This Reforrdi ion aShadow of that to come, ibid. Sect 2. The ftveral Steps and Degrwof their RejiJrret1io11 and Afcenjion, 169 Sell3. The Events that accompany their Reforreflion, 17 I Sell. 4· The faU of the tenth part of the City, What? Whether thereby be mea11t the Ruin of Rome, (the Fifth Vial)? ibid. Sell. 5· (More partic11larly); that by [a tenth Part of the City J is IJJea11t, one of the ten Kingdoms of Europe. How it is foi4 to Fall. The Earth·quake in it, What ? The NamesofMen,What? andtheirKilling. I 7~ Sell. 6. What tenth part of Europe, or which of the ten Kingdomr it it mofl pi·obable that thir Earthqual<! and Reforre{JioiJ of the Witnejfet Jba/1 faU 0111 in, I 76 Sell. 7. How ·thir their Reforrel1ion and AJ– cenjion, i1 afore-nmning Shadow of the Re· jlitution ofall thingr at the coming ofChrijl's Kingdom, I 79 Sell:. 8. An Interpretation of that Cla~tje, verf. I 4· [ The Second Wo is part ]. A recon– ciling Jomc DijficHitie; abottt it, 180 Secr.9.The {onrliifion ofthn Difcollrji.The Con– jet111res offomeabollt t/.Je Time when thir Kil– ing and Ri_(i11g of theWitnejferjhaU be, 182 AN '
AN EX'POSITION 0 F THE REVELATION. P.A R T· I· '. CH A P. t The 'l)eftgnof the 'Book, of the Revelation. That# is aProphecy, 'ttJherein, ·as in aVijion, the Story of a!! Times t8 reprefented. .The prophetical part of it begim 11tthe Fnur..Lh Chgpi_er. An Expo(ition of the Fourth Chapter. The .17i]ion ?! the 'Throne; 'Beafts~ and Elders: d 'l{eprejentation of the [hurch in aU Ages. H E three firl'c Chapters, contain Seven Epinies to Seven Particular Churches ; but from this Fourth Chapter, to the end.of the Book, is laid down a more gener.al Pro· phecy from John's Time ~o the Worlds end. There is therefote this Character of Difference pu~ between that part of this Book in thole three firll: Chapters, and this that begins here, That that concerned things that theri were pal'c, things ,that then were; and things to come hereafter,. (as Chap. I. 19.) whereas this delivers thole things only which m11fl be hereafter, Chap. 4· I. . . In thisProphecy, as in a Vifiion, is the Story of all Tim~s aCted and repre– .femed.. A Comedy is the reprelenting of a Story pafl:, by Men ; this a Prophe– tical Vifiori of things to .come, a/led by Angels anfwerably; as in· ii.1chlm~r)udes and Shews; there is firfl: .a Stage b)lilt, a.Scene or !?lace_fuppofed where the things were done, and a Chorus or Company of ,SpectatOrs fitttng on the Stage continually, and giving their judgment and approbation, ( wbtch was the cul'com B . ili i
2 ruin ExPOSITION •~ in Comedies of old): So in this Chapter the Apofile bath the .Vifion of the P~Scene, Theatre; or Stage, namely, the Church of Chrift, in a general view, L throughout a)! Ages, prefented ; the Members whereof are the Chor~s, who upon any great or folemn occafion, give their Plapdite or Acclamation of Glory unto God; So the four Beafts, and four and twenty Elders, you may in this Book often obferve to do. And then, as in fuch Shews and Reprefentations, there uled to be a Prologue, fo Chap. 5· you have as artificial a Prologue acted, as any in any Poem : from whence (Chap. 6.) the Reprefentation of the Story of things begins. ' T'oj. 1. Ver. I. John is caUed up fro.m the Earth into the Air, (bywhich Hi!av.:n is here meapt, as often elfewhere it is) the place of Johtls Vifion ; and in t(!e Air aDoor feemed to O?.'n, in at which pe entring, fees the Sigh" following. Verf. 2. Verf. 2. And immediately I WM in the Spirit.] The Phrafe [in the Spirit] is like to that, when we fay, a Man is in Love, or a Mill is faid to be in theWind; as noting out fuch a repletion, or filling with the Spirit, a• poiTeifed, and took up all the Powers of his Soul to attend this Vifion : it filled all, it carried all in him unto the thing in band, and wholly acted his Faculties by a fupernatural Motion of the'Spirit, fo that his Underll:anding and Senfes acted not in their na– tural way, but as moved by the Spirit. Now this his being in the Spirit was extraordinary, and to an extraordinary purpofe, even to fee thefe Vifions, and by the Holy Ghoft to write them: yet to us it lhould be ordinary, fo far as in our ordinary courfe, to walk in the Spirit, and be in the Spirit; that is, to giv~ up our Selves, our Powers and Faculties, to the Spirit's Rule and Guidance, fo that he 01ould move all Wheels in us. Objirvat.r. Now from this [immediately] obferve, That a believing Soul may prefently be in the Spirit; he foon and fuddenly comes upon a Man. The Vi!ion that follows, is of the Church, which is made the Scene of all things prophefied ofin this Book ;for all things done,are either for it or concern– ing ir. And thougp Paifages ofJudgments on the World are recorded,yet for the Churches fake they are recorded, and are done as by God out of the Church. Now this Vi!ion of the Throne, Beaf'ts, and Eld'ers, is a Reprefentation of the Church (wherein God bath his Throne) of Men on Earth, Univerfal in all Ages ; fet forth according to the Form or P.attern of Inftitntion of a Church, into which all Saints on Earth lhould be moulded. To prove this in the feveral parts of it: I. It is a Repreftntation of the Church: For, r. In the Church only is God worlhipped; as here, verf. 8, 9, Io. In the Church only is God known; and there they f}cak_ .ofhi< Glory, Pfal.29·9· 2. The Throne here is evidently God's Seat in his Temple the Church : So Chap. I 6. I 7. A Voice came from the Temple, from the Throne, &c. 0 . Accordingly the Allufion in this Vifion is to Solomon's Temple, and to the Tabernacle, which were the Types of the Church to come, under the NewTe– frament. Therefore God here fits on a Throne, as he did then in the Holy of Holies : and there are feven Golden Lamps here, as there the Candlef!ick ; and a Sea of Glafs here to walh in, as there was there one of Brafs : All Ornaments and Utenftls of that Temple typifYing forth ours. Il. It is the Reprefentation of a Churchof Men, not Angels. For, r. thefe Elders and Bea{ls fing, that they are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb; which the Angels were not, Chap. 5· 9· And, 2. verf.I J. the Angels are reckoned dif!intt from thefe Elders and Beall:s, and are faid to be about them: as alfo Chap. 7· rr. llf. It is of the Church of Men dn Earth: For, I. the Allu!ion is to the madhalling of the Church of the Jews about the Tabernacle; as !hall be lhown. 2, Here
of the· RE VEL AT I 0 N. 3 --------~-------------------------------- 2. Here are feven Spirits ; that is, variety of the Gifts of the Spirit, which "-A.,.;,, in Heaven do ceafe. . ChaP· T. 3· Here is a Sea of Glafs, for the Priell:S and Worfbippers to 1vafb in; which~ fuppofeth a remainder of defilement, at leaft, of the Feet; asJohn q. Io. 4· The difiinllion of Beafis and Elders in this Company, (namely, Officers and Brethren) which in Heaven ceafeth, argueth it alfo. IV. Of the Church Vniverfol. r. In all Ages : therefore placed at the beginning here, and often brought in in this Prophecy, as Spectators. 2. In all Places: So Chap. 5· 9· redeemed out of every Kindred, Tongue, and ;J(atiOIJ. V. This ChurchVnivcrfol, reprelented whiill on Earth, as cart into the Pattern of a Ch11rch, infiituted according to the Rules ofthe Word, the mea!l1re tO !quare Churches on Earth by; and though in all Ages they k~pt not that Pattern, (therefore, Chap. n .. I: J•hn is bidden to '!teafttre_the Te:'tple of that Age,as having fwerved from the Or~gmal Form too far, m Anttchnrt s Apofiacy) yet fuch a Pattern is giyen forth here, as the only true Pattern, into which all fbould be cart ; and God fets forth his Church as it fbould be in all Ages, and as it was in John's Time: All Saints, in all Ages, !bould be cart into fuch Companies. So that here is the Church with her Appurtenances, The Church confifting of Three St:ites : .I. Chrirt the Head. 2. The four Beafis, the Officers. , 3· The 24 Elders, who are the Brethren. . . . There are the Appurtenances alfo ; as the feven Lamps, which are the Gifts of the Holy Gho!t ; and the Laver, which is Chrill's Blood, to wafb in, &c. . Firrt; Verf. 2,3. I fow a Throne,] whiCh is an Allufion to the Holy ofHoiies Verj 2 , 3 , m the Temple, where God did fit. Therefore, lfo. 6. r. when the Lord was prefented fitting upon his Throne, it is faid, tbe rifdue of his Train jiUed the Temple; that is, thofe other parts of the Temple, the Throne being the Holy of Holies. Therefore, Eul{, 43· when the Glory ofGod returned to the Temple, vcrf4, S· God calls it, (verf.7.) the place of my Throne, and the place of the folet of my Feet, where1_i,jQweU in the midjt of the Children of lfrael for ever. The like you have Jer. 17. I?. WhiCh Tlll'OlleTs here in the midfr of the 24 EIders, and the Bearts;·fignifying, (as ~imfelf interpr~ts it, Ez.ek, 43.) his dwelling in the midft of his Church ; accordmg to that faymg of Chrill, I will be in the midfl among you. To fet up a Church, is to fet up God and Chrill a Throne : A Church is hisObfcrvah only vifihle Throne on Earth, till the Kmgdoms of the World become h1s, vifibly. Now, fecondly, for himwho fttteth on the Throne : Mr. 'Brightnran t>.·ould have GQd in the Trinity (or the Three Perfons) fet forth in thofe three Colours mentioned. But to make the Rain-bow, which en~ompa!feth the Throne, to be the Holy Ghort, when as that Rain-bow is prefented as divided, and diflinCl:from him who fitteth on the Throne, is nimis duntm, it is too much. I take it, it is God in Chrirt, in whom he is reconciled unto his Church, and by whom he ruleS it, Chap, 3· 1 5· and Chap. 12. it is calied the Throne of G 0 d. And Ezek, 1. 26. (in which Chapter the fame kind of Vifion is reprefentei:l ) ; He who fits an the Throne there, is the Son of Matt ,. As alfo in lfo. 6. i. whl~h place Chrilt in the I 2th of John interprets of himfel£ So that God, confidered as in Chi'ifl, is he that fitteth on the Throne. And, Chap. 7· 10. He that fitteth on the Thronel and the Lamb, are made diftinll, yet mentioned together. Verf. 3· For the Rain-bow that WM round about the Throne, it noteS out the Verf 3• B • memorial
4 Jn ExPosiTION ~· Memorial of his Covenant of Grace ; that as the Rain-bow was the fign of the P A • T I. Covemnt of Nature, to put God and Us in mind, he would not deftroy the ..... .rv~ World any more by Water; fo this Rain-bow is to God a Memorial of his Covenant of Grace to his Church, [This is to me a< the Waters of Noah; for a< I h . .ve jivom, the Waters f/Jould no more go over the Earth; .Jo h"ve I fworn not to be rcrflth w1th t/Jee, faith God in lfaiah.J Which Covenant 1~ round abo11t his Throne, fo to put him in mind, in all his Difpenfations towards hts Church, to rememb~r /;is Covenant ; that let htm go forth any way m hts Dtfpenfauons towards hts Church, he may ftill be minded of Mercy; and his Church again in all their In– tercourfes with God, and all Difpenfations fro~ God, and Occa!ions coming ~o him, may be put mmmd of Mercy alfo, and hts Covenant of Grace, to truft m it ; and that the Prayers of the Church may fttll pals from them through the Rai11-bow, as all God's Difpenfations to the Church.do come through the faid Rain·bow alfo. Pirf 4· Pirf. 5· Now for the Situation of the Church : Both Elders and Beafis are about the Throm, VcrC 4, 6, 7. it is formed after the enquartering of the People of lfrael about the Tabernacle in the Wildernefs; Numb.~. The Levites were next to the Tabernacle, and the Tribes about the Levites. So here, the Beafis (the Officers) were (as in verf. 6. ) in the midft of the Throne, tmd roHnd aboHt the Throne ; that is (as Beza interprets it) their ftation is between the Throne, and thefe Elders, \yho did furround the Throne about the four Bea!l:s. The phrafe [in the midfl] in Scripture being put for [between] or [among]. So Gen.23.6. The Bca!l:s, though neare£1: the Throne, yet are mentioned after the Elders ; for though their place be nearer, yet they are but the Churches Servants, and the radical Power is in the Church, here fignified by the 24 Elders. \ To begin with the Elders, who as (was faid ) do fignifY the Church. Firjl, They are called Elders; I. Becaufe the Church, under the New Te– fiament, is grown up to an elderly Age, in oppofition to the Church under the Old Tefiament, who are termed Children under Age, Gal. 4· 1,2, 3, &c. As al– fo, 2. for that Gravity that !hould be in all Church-Aifemblies, and in their Proceedings and Admini!l:rations. Seco11dly; For their Number; They are 24, in Allufion to the 24Heads of thofe Orders of Levites who were Porters, andSingers, deablifhed byDavid in the Temple, I {hron, 24, and 25 Chapters, and Chap. 31. ver[.25, 26, And this, to fi1ew the encreafe of the Church under the New Tefiament, in comparifon of that under the Old,whereof that proportion made by David, was a Type. The Heads ofthe twelve Tribes then were multiplied to 24. Now in like manner Solo– mon's Temple had a double proportion to that of the Tabernacle ofMofes; that alfo being an After-type of the Churche's encreafe under the Gofpel. Thirdly"; They are cloathed in white Raiment, fignifying that they are Prie£1: 5, Exod. 2 8. 40. Fourthly; They had on their H..ds Cri!WI1s of Gold, to !hew their Kingly Power ; and that it belongs to them to judg Matters in the Churc~ ; as I C fiT. 5· 12. Do not JOlt j•dg them that are within, Fifthly; They were round about the Throne: the meaneft Saint is as near and dear to God as the greate£1:. Therefore the word inCant. r. I2. is a ro•nd Table which the Saints fit at with Chri£1: ; it !hews alfo their equality. And Chrift He is in the mid£1: here, and· will be fo in Heaven: We !hall eat of the Tree ~hich is in tbe midf1 of the Paradife of God. .And'"' oftbe Throne proceeded Lightnings, and Thunderingr, and Voices.] By Thunderings and Lighmings, are meant the Judgments of Ood, (Pf1l.t8.t3,14. The L'll'd afjo thundered m the Heavetu, and the Highefl gave his Voice; Hailftoner •nd
of the REV EL A T I 0 N: 5 and Coa/J of Fire. Yea, he fent 0111 bis Arr9ws, and flattered tbem, imd he jbot out "--A../1 Lightning1, and difi·om:filed rbmt. And Pfd. 29. 3· The Voice of the Lord is 11pon ~ the W"ters; the God of Glor1 th11ndcreth, tbe Lord is 11f01t many Waters.). They ue f.1id to come out of the Throne? becaufe ~ll Judgments do come from God, as fitting in his Church, aud for hts Churches fake cloth God ufe them. Pfa!. 6e. 35· 0 God, tho11 art terrible out of thy Holy Pf"w: the God of lfrqe! is be thizf .giveth jlrength, and power unto his People; bll!jfed be God. Amos I. 2. And he faid, The Lord wilt roar frdm Zion, and utter bis Voice frcm Jerufalem: and the Ha/;;tatiom of tle Shepherds fball moum, and the. top of Carmel foal! wither. Voi• ces alfo proceed out of the Throne; winch ts more general; and extends unto Promifes, and anfwers to Prayers. . Seven Lamps, 1vhich are the Seven SpiritJ of God]. By thefe are noted out the Holy Gho.ft, and the variety of his Gifts and Operations, or Manifefbi– tions of Himfelf in the Church : That the Holy Gho!t ls meant, is evident by Chap. I. 4· where John wilhes Grace and Peace froi?l the [even Spirits, which are hejiire God'1 Tl.>rone; which he ought not to have wifhed from any, but frorri the l:loly Ghoft, who is the third Perfon. And thefe Manife!tations are wunted Seven, beraufe of the variety of Gifts. For otherwife, that Perfon is but one Spirit, I Cor. I 2. They are compared to Fire, becaufe they give Light, and Heat; and the Allufion here is to the Candlefticks in the Temple. There was a Sea of GlaJli~ unto Chrifla!] in allufion to Sol•mon's Sea; but Verf. 61 this was purer than that, which was only of Braf; Exod. 30. I7, I8, 19, 20, and typified out Chri!t's Blood to wafh in, both for Ju!tification of Perfon, and Sanltificationof Life: So Heb. 10.22. LetwdrawnearwithatrueHeart, in full qf/itrance of Faith, having our HeartJ JPrinf;!ed frohlaR evil Confcience, and our Bodies wafhed with pure Water. I Cor. 6. I I. And jitch were fome ofyou, hut ye are waJhed, but ;·eare fantJijied, but ye are jujlified in the Nanu of the Lord :;efrn, and by the Spirit of our God. Titus 3· 5· Not by Work! of Rightethljneji,wbich we have done, but according to his Mercy he foved m by the wafbing of Regeneration; and renewing of the Holy GhoH. And this Blood of Chri!t fiands in the Church, ~s the Sea in which we mu!t wafh, chiefly when we come to worlhip; Therefore wafh before you worfhip. . And there were four Bea.fts full of Eyes before and bebind]; liy whith are meant Church-Officers, 1. Becaufe ofthe fituation of them, between the Thtone and the Elders, who are round about. 2. Becaufe they are the Leaders of the Praife, and fo the Mouths of the Con 7 gregation, Verf 9· Io. They are not Bea!ts properly, as we under!tand and fpeak; not Brutes, but living Wight1 ,. the Greek word, which wants a full and proper expreffion, inone Englilh word fignifies fo. Tlley are called Living, to !hew that they have, or fhould have Life in them to quicken others. They are four, and the Throne is four-fquare, and fo they are faid to be in the midi}between every Angle i to !hew that they are compleat for Number, and fhould look every way to all the Neceffitiesof the Church, both for Sourand Body. They are folt of Eyes, becaufe they are to be Overfeers; .Aas 2o. 28. And they have eye1 rrithin as well as without, to fee to their own Hearts, as well as w others. · And the firft Bea.ft wadi~a Lion]; who is the Ruling Elder, who needs the Verff· courage of a Lion, to deal with Mens Spirits in cafe of Sins, that deferve ro be ' brought to the Church, or to have Admonition to prevent that courfe. The ftcond WtH li~ aCalf, (or Ox, for fo the Septuagint tranOates the Hebrew word forty times) the 'Pa.ftor, who is like an Ox for laborioufnefs, and taking pains in treading out the Corn. . The third Beall had a Face li~a Man J ; the Deacons and Widows (which are all one Office in a kind) w:ho have a Face of a Ma11 ; a Man's Heart being . difpofed and inclined for mercifulnefs and pittifulnefs, which is proper to a Mani not Bealls. Ana
6 'Vfn ExPOSITION ~ And the fourth Beaft "'"' lii<S a Jlpng Eagle; J theTeacher, who bath Eyes like l' ~ an Eagle, quickly to fpie out all BrrorJ; and then they foar aloft into high ..._ Myfl:eries. Verf 8. They had each of them fix WingJ apiece 1 to lbew their aptrtefs and readinefs to fly and aCt all manner of ways. So in Ezekjel the Cherubims had, who were l>ypes ofthefe. They rejl not Day nor Night] to lbew they labour continually; crying, Holy, Holy, Holy J; thefe worlbipped God in Trinity. And they are the Mouths of the Congregation ; for when they be_!lin, the four and twenty Verf. 9, ro. Elders filii dorPn: Verf. 9, ro. And .when thofe BeajtJ give Glory, and Honour, and T!Ja,!q to hint that fot on the Throne, who liveth for ever and ever; The four and twent7 ElderJ fall down before him that fot on the Throne, and worjhip him tl-at livcth for ever and ever, and ca.ft their Crawm before the Throne, foying, Ver. I l. Vt:~j I I· Tho1t art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power : for thou haft created all thingJ, m1d for thy pleajitre they are and were created. And then they alwgether, both one and t'other, praife him for his Wor/q of Creation; acknow– ledging him both the Efficient, and the End for which they were cre•ted : and not only for whom they were createrl at firfl ; but for whom they are fo flill; their B"ing and Motion ferving to that end, and working for his Glory mate– rid/6•. CHAP.
ofthe REVELATION. CHAP. iT; 1he Expo{ttion of the Fiftb (hapter. THE Stage being built in the Fourth Chapter, the Chorm (which is tBe Church being fet) here begins the Prologue ; and that, fo elegant and fl:ately an one, as was never heretofore invented, or put before any– Poem. Firft ; Here is a Book,_ Sealed, prefented in his Hand who fits on the Throne; Which Book contains God's Decrees to be executed until the Day of Judgment. Secondly ; Here is a 'Proclamation made to all Creatures, to find out one who !hould be found worthy to open it. Thirdly ; There were none fuch found in Heaven, nor in Earth. Fourthly ; John weeps, thinking there would be an end of his Vifions 5 and that he mufr put up his Pen. · . Fifthly; In this ll:rait comes Chrifr, and takes upon him the opening and ful– filling of this Book, and all the Decrees therein contained. Sixthly; At this the Chorus fall down and wor!hip. 7 ~ Chap. 2. ~ Firft; What is this 'Book,_? Many make it to be the Scriptures: But it is plain, VerJ I . by what all along does follow, that it is a Book containing the Affairs of 'the World, and the Church, and God's Decrw about them both. For upon the opening every Seal, '}ohn fees a Vifion containing the Matter of the enfuing Ch•pters, namely, the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. And when the Seal• were all taken off, Chap. 10. 8. then John is bidden to eat the Book, that he might prophefy ag•in the other part of this Prophecy. So as it is this very Book,_ of the Revelation, and the Government of the World and his Church that is fet forth therein, which Chrifr, by taking the Book, undertakes to manage, perform, and execute, and give it to '}ohn. Which agrees with what is faid at the beginning· of this Book, Chap. 1. 1. The Revelation of 'JeftH Chrift, which God gave unto him, to Jhew unto his Servants things which mujl jhortly come to pafl, and he font and Jignijied it by his Angel unto his Servant John. .Afirong Angelthereupon proclaims who is worthy to Iooft the Seals ofthis Boo~,&c. Verf. 2. The ufe of the Seals, is not !imply to fhew, that it cannot be known, as Daniel's Sealed Book did fhew, that the Things in it could not be known till the End; Dan. 12. 4· But thou,. 0 Daniel, j/Jut up the Words, and foal the Boo/z, even to the time of the End : Many fha/1 run to and fro, and Knowledg jha/1 be en– creafid. This fignified not only fo, but it is for the fetting out the Glory ofChrifr, and how he was only able to tak! the Boo4, and Iooft the Seals, &c. r. God caufeth a general Proclamation to be made to all Creatitres ; as fame Kings have done for fame noble Service, promifing a great Reward, as Saul did, I Sam. 17. 26, 27. · 2. An Angel makes this Proclamation ; to fhew, that none arriong Meri could : and was a flrong Angel; that fo his Voice may reach all Creatures. The end of which was ; t. To ltir up frrong defires in 'John, and aii eire that reade, to fearch into the meaning of this Prophecy. ·What he did exhort to, Chap. r. 3· and by ptomife provoke unto ; here he does the fame again by this Proclamatioit. . . 2. To fer out the weaknefs of the Creature frill to the end, that fo the Ho' nour of Chrifr might the more appear, in that he only can do this. It is God's manner thus to endear Mercies to us, ai he did a Wife unto Adam : He firft btought
8 ~n ExPosiTION r~ brought all Creatures unto hi~, that fo he might fee that there was not a meet P A "T I help for him among them. So tn the Work of Salvatron, he lets the Soul tr)' all ~·means firfT, as to run to Duties, and all other Helps,. and then he brings it to ChrifT, ( r Cor. T.) that his Power may appe~r. Fu·fT, He lets the World try their IYifilom, what that could do, and th~n fends the foolijlmcfs of Preachmg to fove thw that believe, (Verf. 2 T, 25.) It rs a Qgdhon among the School-men, Whether any meer Creature could fati!fy for Sin? Some )ay, tt might; and Come l.1y, it is a needlcfs QgefTion : but it is a necejfory thing to li!Jow, that a Creature cannot ; for it glorifies Chrifl: the more, as that all Cre~tures here were firll: chal- . lenged; which is an Argument againfl: that alfo : for tf they could not open the Book._, they could much lefs have redeemed us, that being made a greater thing, Vfi. . Fi1J 9· where they fing, That Chrifl w.u therefore worth) to opm the Book._, bwmft he had redee111ed us. Hence leorn we to renounce all Kings, Priells, and Prophets, except ChrifT, who is a Priefl: to redeem, a Prophet to teach and reveal the Myfreries of God, and a King to execute all God's ,Dec_rees. It is good to go over all the Crea– tures, and to renounce them, and fay, I will be faved by none of you. Sup– poft: the Work of Redemption were yet to be done, an~ God fhould make this Prodamation (as here) : Find me out a Party able to i'edeem, call a Council, and feek one fit for the purpofe. Surely none would be found; and then how would we howl and weep, (as 'John did here) and count our [elves undone! And then, fi:tppofe God l11ould fer out Chrifl: at lafr, as one able to fave to the uttermofl, but this not till he had tried what you could do for your [elves: fure– ly this would non·plus you. But God would not thus put you to it, and there– fore took another courfe, and the more ·to commend his Love unto us, he him– fclf found out Chrifr, and fpake to him to die for us, and do the Work of Re– demption to our hands. Who is worthy! J It is not fimply an All: of Power tobreaft open the Se.ls; but there mufr be an Authority by worth. So that which puts the value on Chrill's Satisfat'rion, was the worth of his Perfon. And thus in this All: of opening the ,Rook._, a meer Creature might have had as much hab!tual Grace, and performed as much Duty ; but •vho is worthy! It was a perfonal wortb.•which carried ir: Sucb an High Prie.fl became,,, who is higber than the Heavem, (that is, than the Angels) Heb. 7· 26. None mu found wortby]. Obferve the word [none J it is not reflrained to Man [ 110 Man J; but ntver a n:arunable Creature, <::it her in the Heaven;, as the Angels; nm·.o" Earth, as Men, nor Hnder the Earth, as Devils, nor Holy Men departed, who are C1id to go down to the Grave : all thefe, nor any of rhefe, were able to open the Book._, neither to look._ thereon ], that is, fo as to underfland it ; for elfe John could, and did look on it, verf 1. · Now to loofe the Seals, and open the Book, is not !imply to know God's Mind in his Decrees, but to make the Vifion of them tor]olm, and to execute and fulfil them in their Times. It is an Allufion to thofe who take a Commi!Iion, who do it, not only to look on it, but to fulfil it: It is a Commi!Iion fealed, fo that this Proclamation is in effet'rthus; Who is able to be God'sCommi!Iioner, ta take this Book, and make the Vifions to John, and in their Times to produce and execute them ! And this appears from Chap. 6. I. And I fow when the Lamb cpmed one of the Seals, and I heard, .u it were, the mnfi ofThunder, one of the four Beajls foying, Come, and fee. Still as the Seals are opened by the Lamb, there is a Vifion made to John of what !hall be done. Therefore the Lamb is prefen– ted, not !imply, as one that fhould take the Book, but as one that bath E;es and . Hanu, Eyes of Provrdence, and Horns of Power to execute. And this agrees with Gen. 49· 9, Io. wherezudah is made a Type of Chrir1, and called a Lion's Whelp, and a Scepter, and a aw·giver, to take God's Laws from him, and execute them; for in that refpet'r it is,that Judah is called a Law-giver in the place above– Cited, nor in refpet'r of making or giving Laws, but in refpet'r ofexecutive Power to
of the REVELATION. 9 to fee God's Laws kept. So Chri!t here takes this Book as to deliver it to us, to~ execute the Decrees of it. · ~ .And I 1 vept '!'"eh.] His defpairing_ put him upon weeping: He was called up Verf 4 . to Heaven to fee ViGons, b>ttmeets wtth a !top. Thts was tofetoff the Mercy, to rry his Heart, and to render his Joy great~r. God in greate!t Mercies, may make great~!t Stops~ he m:iy fo bring to de- Obferval. fpair, that no hope !hall be feen, yet at length !hew htmfelf 11~ Mercy. So to John here. So likewife in the fir!t Work of Converfion many ttmes ; and fo in othcrgreatWorks. Johnwascalledtofee Vtrions, yet a fiopand paufewas in his view made. !!ere 'Jolm is comforted; fir!t, by a fiander-by, endeavouring to uphold his Vfe. Heart ; and, fccondly, by thc'ilght of the Lamb, Verf6. Oblerve here the Degrees God ufeth to comfort his People b:y ; firfr, letting fall fomcthing giving hopes of Chnfr, fo to draw the Soul pattently to wait ; then, fecondly, !hewing it Chri!t himfelf. God might have at firfr lliewed John the Lamb, but he fir!t comforts him by a fiander-by (as Job firft heard by the l•eflring of the Ear) and then his Eye fitw the Lamb. Chri!t the only Opener of this Book, and Giver of this Prophecy, is diver!1y expre!fed. r. He iscalled the Root of Da1Jid, out of Ifri. I r. 10. Chrifr put this Riddle to the Pharifces, How Dflvid could call him Lord, if he were his Son? So here it may be ask'd, How could he be called the Root of David, if he were the Son of D,IVid, and fo a Branch of that Root ? The truth is, he is the R.oot of Da– vid, and of all the Saints. He was the Root of his Ancefrors, and the Father of his Mother. The R.oot of any Family, is in Scripture put for the Eldefl: Son in ir, who is as the R.oot of the refi: So lfa. I+ 30. I will kjll thy Root witl Fa– mine ; that is, thy Firfr-Born, the R.oot of thy Houfe; for in oppofition, he Gvs, and the Firjl-born of the Poor fhaU be ftd; So Mal. 4· I. Therefore, in that Chrill is called the Root of David, is meant, that he is the Firfl-born among aU his Brethren, as he is called Rom. 8. 29. and Pfal. 89. 27. So God calls Davidin the Type, but imends Chri!t thereby, when he lays, I will mak.p hi111 my Firfl– bom, higher than the Kings of the Earth; and verf 29. his Seed j!Mil end11re for ev<>-. In this is Chrifr the R.oot of David, that he is the Firfl:-born of every Creature; of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named. 2. He is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah; and this in a manife!t Allufion to the Prophecy in Gen. 49· ro. wherein ]11dah (as this place !hews) is made a Type of Chrifr. And it warrants the application of all there unto Chrifr. Now j ud th was called a Lion. r. Becaufe out of Judah came all the Worthies and Lion-like Men, as Jofhua, Othniel, and David, who were all Shadows of Chrifr; Therefore, Gen. 49· 9• He is called an Old Lion, (as the word is) a couragious hearty Lion. So 2 Sa"" I 7· Io. valiant Men are faid to have Hearts like Lions. Such was Chrifr, who durll eng.tge bis Heart to draw near to God, Jer. 30. 2r. . 2. ]udah had the Kingdom (whereof a Lion is the Emblem) ; therefore Scepter and Lttw-giver are attributed to him, verf I O. So that it is as much as to C1y, Chrifr the King by Inheritance (as fudah was) !hall overcome; 3· Jud.th did take the Prey (the Land); it was done by J11dah's Worthies, Jojhuah, Caieb, &c. And when as a Lion they had taken that Prey, they couched, and had reil, as in Solomon's daY", I King. 4· 21. which was al{o prophefied of N11111b. 23. 24. Behold, the People fha/1 rife up trJ a great Lion,and jht!l not lie don>Jt till they have eaten the Prey. And Gen. 49· 9· He COIIched 110 an'old Lion, who jhall raife /;im up? So Chrill, when he had led Captivity captive, fits down quietly in Heaven, as it were, couching and lying in wait, efr>ecially till the DJyof Judge mentj
!0 Jn ExposiTION ~ment, and till afore, when he !ball fee an opportunity to avenge the Enemies to I' A "r I. his Church, when he will appear as an Old Lion, who being roufed, fuddenly L~ leaps on the Prey, <fpecially inthe latter day~, when the gatherings of the People f/!.1!1 be nnto him, as the context ts, then !ball hts Kmg;d?m .be as of a L10n among Beajis, Mich.5.8. where the Prophet fpeaks of Chr~frs Kmgdom and Conquefr in the Calling of the Jews, as he had done of Chnfr s Btrth, verf 2. Now that Kingdom is the fcope of this Book. And in the midfl of the Elders flood a Lamb as it had been jlain, &c.] John had heard of Chrifr as a Lion, but he fees him as a Lam.b. So many a poor Soul is afraid of him, till it comes to fee him, and be acquainted with him. But he in rhe end will be found to be a Lamb, and a Lamb that bath feven Eyes to run to and fro through the Earth for the good of his Saints; and feven Horns, not to hurt them but to defend them, and to butt his and their Enemies. There– fore let not ):our thoughts of Chrill: be all as of a Lion; for though he ·bath the courage and ll:rength of a Lion, yet he hath the meeknefs of a Lamb too, unto you ; who therefore have caufe to wonder at, and pratfe thts mtxture 111 him. Chrifr is called a Lamb, 111 allufion to the Sacnfices of the Old Law, whtch were mofr commonly, of Lambs; two Lambs a day, Numb. 28. 3· Here he was to be reprelented as a Priej1, (ns before, in being called a Lion, he was prefented as a King). And therefore it follows, [as it had been jlai11]. This Lamb ll:ood in the midJ1 of the Throne], nearer than the four Bealls who Crood between the Throne and the Elders ; and this, for that he is the Mediator between his Church and God. As it h"d been Jluit~.J That is; I . As if be were newly Oain, his Blood perpetually remaining fre!b, as if he h"d been Oain but yell:erday, Heb. 9· 2. But [as] Ooin, to [hew, that he cloth not remain Oain and dead, but i• alive. SoCh.,p. 1. 18. I am he th•t liveth and was dead, a~td behold, I am alive for evermore. Stood a Lamb J : Standing, imports a readinefs to afford help. When Stephen died, he G1w Chrifr jlanding at God's right hand, as ready to receive him. It al– fo fhews his rcadinefs to intercede. Havi11g Jcven Horm.J Horns are put for Power widt which to pulh : So (bp. 17. 12. a11d the ten Horm are ten Ki11gs. So by feven Horns here, is meant all Kingly Power. Seven is a number of PerfeCtion; and it !hews that Chrifl: bath power to open the feven Seals. And as there are feven Trumpets, and fe– ven Vials, fo Chrirt bath (even Horns, that is, power to fulfil all thefe. Anti– chrifr rifeth like Chrill:, and comes with Power, Rev. 13. 12. But what difco– 'vers him ! He bath but two Horns ; the Church needs not fear him. The Lamb bath (even Horns to vindicate himfelf of his Enemies. Fear not Kings neither, though they be Ten; Chrill: is King of Kings: And fear not the Devil, who is a >·o.n·ing Lion ; for Chrill: the Lion of the Tribe of 'ft~dah is flronger than he, and will bind him fttre enough for hurting of thee. And fcven Eys; which are the feven Spirits of God fent forth it~to all the E.ll'lh]. The Spirit, not in his Perfonal Subliflence, is here meant, but in his infrrumental working by Gifts and Providence; and fo is called !even Spirits before, in Chap. 4· 5· which (even Spirits before the Throne, are Gifts in the Church which are from Chrill; for he is the Fountain of Spiritual Gifts, and bath the C,'pirit without meafure. But here, by the !even Spirits in Chrifl:, are nor meant Gifts powred out, but Eyes of Providence Cent intj) the Earth, by wh~eh he knows and fees all things; which alludes to that in Zacb. 4· Io. For ~~to l.atb def]>ijid the d,IJ of jim/1 thingI? for they fha/1 rejoice, and jha/1 fie the 1 l11mn>et in thehand of Zerubbabel With thofe feven: they are the Eyes ofthe Lord, rrl"h nm to tmd p-o thro11gh the whole Earth ; and implies the perfeCtion of the Know-
\ ' of the REVELAT I 0 N. tt Kn~wledg ~nd Providence of Chrill:, ~o order all Affairs on Earth for his Chur- ~ che's good ; as m 2 Chron. I 6. 9· and m Zechary before quoted, he ordered the~ Affitirs of the 7)erja" Monarchy for the butldmg of Ius Church. Chnll:, as Man, hath Eyesas well as Horns, to difcern and guide all things here below : his HL!- mane Nature, is the Inll:rument of all God's Power, all goes through his Hands l and all the Works of God's Providence go through his view; he knows whatfoevcr is done in the whole World. But why !hould Chrill: be prefented here in thisChapter, under thefe Notions, of a Lion of Judah's Tribe, and a Lamb, and the Root of David, than any other ? Firft ; In that he fpeaks in the Language of the Old Tefl:ament, and of John the Baptift, who was under the Old Tell:ament, (for Chrifl: is every where lf.'O- ': ken of throughout the Volume of that Book, as appears by Luk§ 24. 27. wli€'re it isfaid, That Cbrift, beginning •t Mofes, and all the ProphetJ, did expound uwp~ them the thing1concerning himftlf). Now Mbft1 called him a Lion, Gen. 49·-9· lfoiab called him a Lamb, Chap.53·7· and the Root of David, in the 1 Ilh Chapter of his Prophecy, verf 10 . and then J ohn Baptift called him the Lamb of God, whichbear~ the Sim of the World. Wherefore, as all other things in this Book are fet forth in allufions to the Old Teframent, fo thefe Defcriptions of Chrifl: alfo. 2dly, He gives Chrifl: thefe Titles in relation to the Work of Redemption, of which mention is made, verf9· . Now to that two things are required ; I . A Price to be paid to God, and fo, a1 a La111bhehath redeemed m to God by hi1Blood, Verf. 9· 2. Power to deliver us out of the hands of our Enemies ; and fo, He is a Lion that overt.'OIJteJ. 3d/y, It bath relation cfpecially to the opening of this Book, and executing the Affairscontained in it ; and fo, thofe Titles are moft proper: For, 1. he needed to die for it, and fo is prefemed as a LanJb jlain. For tha• very Price that Salvation did cofr, the fame mufl: each Revelation to us coO: a fo. And his being limply the Son of God, and fo knowing the Counfe!s of God written in his Decrees, was not enough for him to make them known to us : but to.reveal this Counfel, as in a Book to be opened to us, he mull: need" dte, our Sms otherwtfe htndc1ing it. Hence it le: f."td~ '1Jerf'. 9. Thou. art worthy to open the Boo!;_, for thou waft jlain, &c. So therefore, as a Lamb, he is (aid to take Sin away, that hindered the revelation of it to us. . 2. As a Lio,, he needed courage to encounter God's Wrath; and by break· ing through a con.foming Fire, to approach his Throne, al)d take the .Book. [Who i.r t!Ji.r that bath engaged hi.r Heart to draw near 1mto me! J no Angel .du~lt have prefumed to come fo near God. ' 0. As a Lion he needed to overcome Death, and rife to execute the Contents of this Book. They fay, that a Lion fieeps the firfl: three days after he is brought forth, but then being roufed, by the roaring of the Old Lion, he, after that, fieeps the leafl: of any Creature. So did Chrifr rife by the Power of his:Father, to Oeep no more. . ·' ~~ · 4th!y, Being rifen, he isfet forth 5 . .· , ,, 1. As a Lion of Judah; for that in that Prophecy, Gen. 49· 9· as alh Pfo?.: 6o. i . ]udah, in refpeCl: of his Kingly Office, is called, Gad', Ltw-giver ; not limply, in refpeCl: of giving the Laws (that Moft,, ofthe Tribe ofLevi,did) but becaufe '}11dahexecuted them. Now in that Chrifl: did here take the Book of God's Decrees, and undertook to execute and fulfil them as God'sCommiffioner, therefore he is in this refpeCl: moO: properly here called, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. .2. _He is here fet forth as aLamb, having [even Horn1, and a> many Ey 1; and thiS, m as fit and proper a refpeCl: as might be, to !ignify his being one, not onlJr fit to give this Prophecy, but to effect the things contained in it by his Horm,and C ~ qu, .~.
12 Jn ExPosiTION ~ E;es. And he is faid to have feven Horns, and feven Eyes, to fhew his ,full P" R T I. Power to open the fcven Seals, and to blow the feven Trumpets, and to pour ~ out the feven Vials. He is fueh a Prophet as never was,in that he not only makes a bare revelation of things, but brings them to pals, and makes them good. God gave him the Plat-form of Occurrences to come, and Power and Wifdom to order the accomplifhment of them. He is alfo fet forth, both as a Lamb and a Lion, to !hew his Prief'dy and Kingly Office ; and how, by virtue of both, he makes 111 Kings and Prie{ls, as.they fing, verj 10: and having his Kingdom i<1 their Eye, they are co<1firmed m the Promtfe of 11, by a remembrance of htm as a Lamb, and a Lion, thus f'crong and powerful. As a Lamb, he purchafeth the revelation of what concerns his Church, and as a Lamb, with Eorm and F)es, he effeCts the accomplifhment of it. And the fcope and fum of this Book being, to fhew how Chrif'c rules the World, and his Church, till he bath pm down all Rule, and how he then takes the Kingdom h1mfelf; therefore he ts dtfcribed as a Lamb, in refpeCt of his quiet governing the Affairs of the World, and the Church, until that his Kingdom, which then, as a Lion, by open force he affumcs, and refcues the Church, as a Prey, out of the Enemies Jaws; and that, by the right of a promifed Succeflion from f~tdah and David ; for which caufe, thofe Titles of the Root •f David, and Lion of Judah, do here come in. In a word, fir!f, this Title of his being the Root of David, fhews his right to that Kingdom which he is to receive; of which David, and his Kingdom, was but the Type. 2. His being called aLamb jlain, is to fhew both a Right and Title to that Kingdom, and alfo the price by which be purchafed it, even his o~n Blood. 3· His being a Lion, is to fhew the Power by which he conquers, obtains, and poffeffes it. Therefore this Heavenly Chorus, or Company, here, when they once fee Chri!'r, by takjng the Boo/z, to undertake the accomplifhment of this Prophecy ; the conclufion of which, is his inf'calment into his Kingdom: They, in the Joy and Faith of it, fhout out before-hand, faying, We fba/1 raign on Eurth; as looking on all that was to fore-goe his Kingdom, a<1d to come be– tween this Virion, and his Kingdom to come, all as already done, and having this Kingdom chiefly in their Eye, which fhould come. Now from the 8thVerfe, to the end of the Chapter, is a Doxology, or a giv– ing praife for the Lamb's taking the Book: Which Song con!i!fs of four Parrs, or was flmg by four Comp:mie~ ~ A~~ r. Four and twenty Elders, and four Beaf'cs, (the Church of Men upon Earth) they begin and raife the Song, Verf. 8. And when he had trtf<sn the Boo/z, the four Beafts, and four and twenty Elders, fell down before the Lamb, having eve– ry ONC of them, Harps and Golden Vials foil of Odours, which are the Prayers of SainiJ. 2. The Angels join their Voices, Verf.l I. And I beheld, and I heard the Voice of man; Angels round about the Throne, and the Bea.fts, and the Elders, and the number of them WM ten thoufond times ten thoufand, and thoufands ofthou.fands. 3· The Creatures come in alfo, Verf. 13. And every Creature which is in Hea– ven, and on the Earth, .and under the Earth, andfoch M are in the Sea, and aUthat are in them, heard1, faying, Blefling, Honour, Glory, and Power, be tmto hint thd jitteth on theThrone, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. 4· The Beaf'cs clofe all, faying,_ Amen. Verf. 14. And the f01tr Beafls Jaid, Amen. And the four and twenty Elders fell d1JW11 and worfhipped him that /iveth for ever and ever. 0/fervat.x. Obferve in the general, That the Sons of Men are the eminentef'c Praifers of God: They are the Leaders in this Heavenly QI!ire, and they conclude the ~ong. The reafon of which is, in that the highef'c Work th.r God ever did, ts the Work of Redemption, which concerns us, not the Angels, for which notwirhf'canding, the Angels praife him, in Luk., 2. as alfo here·: yea, all the Creaturesrejoice in our Redemption, 17erf. 13. But f'cill we are the Firll-Fruits, we are the Leaders in the Song, whom the Angels follow. It is not faid by Them, ThoH
of the REV EL A T I 0 N. Thou haft redeemed 111 to God by thy Blood ; That tonccrns Us, though they fing r'\...A..r-) Prai!e too. Ch,,o, 2. ~ 1 . Learn we from hence to blefs God for his Mercy and Goodne!S to others : 'Uft r. We fee the Angels do fo for us, who yet. cannot fing as we~ with an lmerclf, and yet they praife God for our Redemptton; and thiS JS thctr lughelf Grace. 2. Learn we to ble!S God in~ fenle of our lnterelf: That will rai!e our Hearts a degree higher, as it was with the Church of Men in their Song here ; Verf9, IO. The Praifers who were of the Sons of Men, are defcribed. Tl',.rf 8, I. As having Harps. 2. Golden Vials: In allufion to the Levitical Service in the Temple, where they had Mufical Infiruments, and Incenfe tn Bowls or Vials; which Zecb. 14. 20. are called, the Bowls of the Altar. Not that Mufical Infiruments are to be in the Wor!hip of God now, neither Incenfe; which as it was the Type of Prayer and Praifes, Pfol. 141. 2. [Let my Prayer cowe up before thee as lncenfe J; fo thole Harps were of that Spiritual Melody (as the Apo• file calls it) which we make in our Hearts to God ; even of Spzritual Soms, Ephe( 5· r9· Therefore ]ohn himfelf interprets the Odours or Incenle here, ~o be the Prayers of the S,ints. And their Hearts are the Golden Vials, having Faith purer than Gold, (as Peter fpeaks) which is the fpring of all their Prayers. 1\nd their Harps alfo are their Hearts; [ Corda J and [Chord£] are near akin. And every one is faid to have Hr~rps ; for in publick Worfhip all fbould join ; the little Strings go to make up a Confort, as well as the grenr. Though thou hafibut little Grace, yet God's Wor!hip would not be compleat without thee, And whereas ']ohn calls thefeOdours the Praymof the Saints; it makes nothing for what the Papifis would hence collel.l: ; namdy,that the Saints in Heaven offer up the Prayers of the Saints on EMth. For, r. This Company are (as we faid before) the Church of Men on Earth. 2. Thefe here offer not the Prayers of others, but their own ; for both thcm– felves make the Song, and that a new one; and alfo the Benefit they praile God for in it, is their own, [Thou haft redeemed 111 to God by thy Blood]. Tho[c words therefore [the Pra)'ers of the Saints], are but the Interpremion which ]oh12 adds; and do imply only this, that thefe were Saints, and their Od01:rs were their Prayers. r. .Andthey jimg 4 [ne~ J Song]. You fhall find, in the Pfalnu, that when P.rf 9 , David had a new occafion, m a further degree, to pratle God ; He lays I rri!l jing a New Song ; now here there was a New Occafion given. ' 2. It is called New, in oppofition to the 0/d,Song under the Old Tcfbmcnt; as 1ohn 13. 34· I give yo11 a New Commandment; that is, of the Gofpel, called New, in oppofition to the Commandments of the Old Law. In the 4thChap– ter of this Book, thefe Elders had fung a Song for the Work of Creation, (vof. lafi); but here they fing for the Work of Redemption, (as verf. 9·) which is the eminent Work of the New Teilament, as Creation was of the Old : and therefore it is called a New Song. 3· There is a more fpecial Reafon, why they fhonld fing a New Son[(, for that the New Hier~tfa!em was in their Eye: Chrifl's Kingdom, and their King– dom, [we fha/1 raign on Earth J there all thi11gs Jha/1 be made New. And there– fore their Song is now a New Song, for the Infialment of their NCJv King. Thus Pfol. g6. I. (which is a Pfalm of this Kingdom of Chrilf, as appears by verj1o,and 13.) cloth therefore begin with thefewords. 0 jing unto t/;eLord aNewSong. r. Learn we from hence to frame New Matter of Praife, and to have frcil1 Vji 1, Affel.l:ions upon every New Occafion. 2. We are to blefs God,bcith for our Creation and our Redemption; and tO take in the mention of Old Bleffings, when we give thanks for New, As a I!,OOd
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