Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

62 4 x ßfat:3zz.ç. t .Grounds,of this truth, z.Covenant. goodof gold fought. in thy glory and in thy maiefly, make thy felfe appeare dread- full, and glorious , by the powerfull and gracious effefts of thy Gofpell, and in thy majefty ride upon the word of truth, the Gofpell of falvation, pro.Freroufly, : Be thou fuc- ceffefull in the preaching of the Gofpell, for the fpeedy and univerfall manifeftation of it to all people, for the profli- gating and putting to flight of all falle doctrines and cor- rupt worship , as the Sunne Both difpell the cloads and Aaron rod devoured theMagitians ferpents ;.for the reclai- ming and gathering home the foules of men, as the (hep- heard,gathercth home the.fhcep by his voice ; for the hea- ling of the difeafed foules of men, as Bethesda' healed the difeafed bodies ; for the fetting up of thy throne in their hearts to raigne and rule within them, as a King reigneth in his Throne. Chrifts bleffcd fucceffe in the miniflery of the Gofpell, is both the wifh and prayer, joy and labour of all that love him. He is a very firanger to Chrifts king- dome that feekes not Chrifts exaltation. The true mem- bers ofChrift preferre the welfare of Chrifts Church, king- dome, and Gofpell, above the welfare of their owne eftate and perfon. As the arme lifteth up it felfe to receive the blow, rather then it (hall fall upon the head ; fuch as clear- ly difcerne and truly tafte Chrift in the Gofpell, are very folicitous to uphold Chrifts kingdome, and propagate his Gofpell : x Becaufe of the houfe of the Lord our god I will feeke thy good, faith David to Jerufalem , becaufe the do- ctrine of falvation is there publifhed, the worshipof God there erected, and God there manifefted and made knowne : I will feeke thy good, I will endeavour thy fafety, I will doe what in me lies to uphold the doctrine there taught, and the worfhip there eflabli(hed : I will feeke the good thereof by prayer and ftrpplication, by advice and counfell, by communicating whatfoever is behoofull, either for the fiapportation, honour, or comfort of it. A good mane will not willingly keep backe any thing which may tend to the advancement of Chrift,his Gofpell,and krngdorne ; and thus it ought to be. z. In regard of the Covenant between us and Chrift, we