Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

.. ,,, ... . .. ... cS Thatye may be able tofiand fuch a beam is good, and filch a fparre may fland a little colt- will ferve the turne : it were no wonder that you fhould !Alen to him that would put you to leaf} colt and trouble: the faithful fervants ofChritt tell finners.from the Word,. that man in his na- tural Date is corrupt and rotten, that nothing of the old frame will ferve, and there muD needs be all new;. but in comes. an Arminian, and blows up the finners pride, and tells him he is not fo weak or wicked as the other re.prefents him, if thou wilt thou mayeft repent and beleeve , or at lea fl by exerting thy na- tural abilities, oblige God to fuperadde what thou haft not. This is the Workman that will pleafe proud man belt. Thirdly, Satan by his inftruments nourifheth that defire of fit:11)1y liberty, which is in man by nature, who is a fon of Belial; without yoke ; and if hemuff wear any, that will pleafe beff, which bath the-lama lining, and pincheth the fleib leaft, and thereore when.the fincere teachersof the. Wordwill not abate of the ftr 6theffe of the command, but preffe fincere obedience to it, then. come Satans inffruments and fay, Thefe- are hard task-mailers, who will not allow one play-day in a yeare to the - Chriftian; hut tie him to continual duty, we'll Phew you an ea -- h er way to heaven : Come, faith the Papift, confeffe but once a year to the Prieft, (pay him well for his paines and bean o- bedient fon of the Church, and we'll difpenfe with all the reff. Come, faith the Familia, the Gorpel-Charter allows more liber- ty then thefe legal Preachers tell youof; they bid you repent and believe, when Chriff hath done all thefe to your hand. What' have you left to do but tonourifh the fitib ? fomething fure is in it, that Impoffors finde fuch quick realm for their ware, while' Truth hangs upon the log; and is it not this ? that they are con- tent to afford heaven cheaper to their difciples, then Chrift will to his.. He that fells cheapeft fball have moll cuftomers, though at !aft bell will be belt cheap; Truthwith fell: dental, a better pen- ny-worth, then e.rrour with all its flefh-pleafing. Thirdly, Satan makes choice of fuch as have a great name for holtneffe3none toa live bird to draw other birds into the net. But is it poinble that Inch iboulddo this work for thedevil ? yesluch is the policy of Satan, .and the frailty of the belt, that the molt- holy men have been his inftruments to fedute others. Abraham Act tempts his wife. tOlie Say thou art mySifter. The old Pro- PPet