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umismiminissimmaimussimmumwmaasaito aaelli the wilt=sof the devil. I 43: Firft,GOd ufeth the temptations of Satan to one fin,as a prem. j, tive againft another; fo'7.).qh/.vrborn in the-1'W') to prevent his pride. God fends Satan to affault .P491 on that fide where he is ftrong, that in the mean time he may fortifie him where he is weak. Thus Satan is befoarcl, as fornetimes we fee an army fitting down before a toW,n,where it wafts its firength to no purpofe,and in the mean time gives the enemy an advantage to recruit ; and all this by the counfel of fame, that iSA fecret friend to the con. trary tide : God, who is the Saints true friend, fits in' he devils Councel, and over-rules proceedings there to the Saints advan- tage ; He fullers the devil to annoy the Chriftian with temp: ati- ons to blafplierny, atheifme, and by thefe, together vtith the troubles of fpirit they produce; the foule is driven to duty, is humbled in the fenfe of there horrid apparitions in its imaginati- on, and fecured from abundance offormality and pride, which otherwile God law invading him. As in a family, fome build neffe falls out, which keeps the Mallerup later then ordinary, and by this the thief, who that night intended to rob him,is d appointed ; had not Inch a foule had his fpirit of prayer and. diligence' kept awake by thole alikling temptations, 'cis likely Satan might have come as a feducer, and taken him, napping in fecurity. Secondly, God purgeth out the very fin Satan tempts to, even. 2. by his tempting. Peter never had fuch a conqueft over his felf- confidence, never fuch an effablifhment of his faith, as after his °route fall in the Priefts hall, He that was fo well perfwa- ded of himfelf before, as to fay, Though all were offended with Christ, yet would not he, how modeft and humble was he in a few eaves become, when he durft not fay he loved Chrift more then his fellow-brethren, to-whorn before. he hid preferr'd him- r) felt ?oirkat an undaunred Confeflour of Chrift and his Gofpel ,dothbe prove before 'Coancels andanters; who even now was dafh'cout of countenance by a filly maid ?:and all thistle product ofSatans temptation .fantlified unto him. Indeed a Saint bath a. difeovery by his fall, what is the prevailing corruption in him, fo that the temptation doth but ffirthe humour, which the foul: having found out, bath the greater'advantage to evacuate, by apph'ing thole means, and ufing thole ingredients which do, purge that malady com,dgiego, Now. theSoule flue will call all