Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

116 LETTERS OF THE [1640-41. CII. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. My deare Ned -If you knwe how much I mise your company, you will conclude your letters are very wellcome to me. I thanke you for yours by the carrier and by the post. I much reioyce that you and your father are so well. Deare Ned, still take care of your self, and put your father in minde to doo so. I am sorry Irland is in so bade a case, and that the puting off of the land into a posture of defence, is so forslowed. Mr Broughton, I beleeue, will tell you how they speake of the parlament, in the cuntry. I pray God open theare eyes, that they may see things a right. I should be sorry your father should put a stranger in trust with his estate, when he is not in the cuntry. I pray God direct him. I haue scase time to rwit any thing to you in this letter; W Moors man being in such past. I pray God blles you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Pheb: 26, 1640. Brompton Castel. CIII. To her son Edward. Deare Ned -I haue reseued your letter by my cosen Dauis; it was wellcome tho it was short. My . cosen Dauis telles me, your father is very well and that you are so, which is a great comfort to me; and I hope that the Lord will giue your father dubell strentgh, to vndergoo the waight of thos imployments which lye vpon him. And I hope you will not repent your being at Loundoun with your father, which I gees will be more aduantage to you, then if you had bine at Oxford.