Hoadly - BX5136 H6

OfCONFORMITY. 129 the Order about reading the Leffons, to think that theft Books were of equal Au- thority with the Canonical Books, is what, I dare fay, You cannot prove. I am fure, I never knew or heard of an iníbance. And till I do, I (hall hardly think it fo likely to come to pafs as you reprefent it. But I proceed. 4. You cannot confent to the miflranfla- tion of the Pfalter : and therefore cannot conform as Mini f ers. The inftance you produce is Pfal. 1o5. 28. And they were not obedient unto his word ; where the tran- flation in our Bible reads, and they rebel- led not againfl his word. Now, Firfi, How can you afent, that they rebelled, and re-. belled not ? I anfwer, i. Suppofing thefe two propoltions fpeak of the fame per- fons (which you take for granted) I de- fire to know where you are required to ofnt that they rebelled not? toaffent ei- ther to the truth, or to the ufe of that fentence ? Your Afent can extend no far- ther than to what is appointed by the Common-Prayer Boot¿ in the- publick fer- vice : and I knownot, that the tranflation of the Pfalms, as it is in our Bibles, bath any part in it. And; 2. Suppofing thefub- jets of thefe twopropofitions to be diffe- K rent