Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

98 The, seam effeataaa calling to ;. Differ. Whale, hee begins to apprehend himfelfe, and then is joyful', and there he made a queffion of Godseverlafiing love;but yet when he was in the bellyofhell, and mountaines ofwater wentover Lim, et narkehow tl:e holy man behaveth him. felfe; Drillfli// toake rewards thyholy prefence : He had force illuminations of Gods goodneffe in Chrift, and howfoever the glory therofwas edip- fed, yet therewas forneglimmering left bdhinde. But now theRafflesof the Hypocrite, they are fudden, the lightningof Gods love that is inhis minde, but it pails thorow the foule fuddenly, and leaves it in the fame hazard & ignorance, and at a lofï'e,asformerly ; for howfoever an hypocrite mayhave a glimmering, and a kinde offlail], and take not:ce of the powers of the world to come, yet itcomes like lightning, fuddenly come, fud- denly gone, and it drawerh the minde for t'.:e while, and the undcrftand lag for the prefent5 but in conclufion, the foule is where it was before, when this flafh is gone, and the L Lghrning is o ver, it is jufl at the fame lofíe and danger it was before. From thisauthority ofthe Spirit,it is ofgreat authority,andofmarvellouspowerful command, fo that thewhole frame of the foule comes tobe ordered, and theheart comes to be framed futa- bleand agreeable thereon. Looke as it is with a mighty flreame, all the leffer fireames runne that way; fo it is with the bleflèd ftreame of this evi- denceoftruth : what the Spirit of' God lets into the mindeof the Saints, it carries all with ir, and beares