Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

20 The Vanity of the World. ted, that there cm be no compleat fatisfaCl:ioh in any Eftate: And why then Otould we defirechange~ Thegreatground ofDifcontent,is notourVl~ nts, * OV .r H~ j" h ,' -r.iv~ol, but our Delires. * There is fcarce any condition in the World fo ·N,~ d¥ a.f,..,g.7..:.Cit-~1·Aitx.pz~. Io\V, but may f.'ltisfie our Wants: And there is no Condition fo ~~,~~.~;~~:~f.Z:,t:J;;z;:rg:~~;; high as can fatisfie our Defires. If we live accordi.ng to t!1eL1w of in fi'tt~tlisgl,i4jiuf ,,mr Petr. Nature and Reafon, we lhall never be poor; but 1f we l1 ve accor- " . \ ding to fond Opinion and Fancy, we fhall never be Rich. Th.1t yvhich we have, be it never fo little, is full as fatisfaCI:o~y as that which we hope for, · be it never fo great. For Vanity, and vexation of Spirit, IS pafr upon all that 1s in the World, whether it be more or lefs. And.thcreforc, 0 Chriftian, thou rnayeft well bear a narrow fl: int in the things ()f thisWorld.If God reduce t.h.ce to a inorfel of Bread, and cup of Water, it is enough: This Vji\1 fuffic~ to.bear thy Ch<i~gcs to He~ven; or .if this too .fhonld .f~il, thy Jonrnty Will only be the fuorter. Poflibly God keeps th~e .fhort Ill VanttJes, tl1at he might bdtow llpon thee that which is a folid and fuhftantial Good. TheP[nlmifttclJS' us, Pfalm. 68. 9· that G~ d~tily loa_ds m .with hi& Bmefits. Tho' fame may Jmve more than others, yet every one hath h1s Load, as mnch as he can carry. Every Velfel cannot bear up with the like Sail; and thc;refore God, to keep us from overfetting, puts on fo much as will fafeft bring us to Heaven, our defired Port. ~ p(. ss. Let us therefore c~tft theft t'?tres and Burthem upon him who bath ~ promt/'td to fitftain tu, ::~:. and turn the fheam of our Defires Heavenward, where alone we can find permanent t ., 0 .. and fatisfa~ory Good• .+ Walk humbly With God, keep your felves always in an XJ:'~~ · ~·awful fear of his dread Majefty; be confl:ant in the exercife ofGrace, and the perforh ~-.:id mance of Duty: Thefe are the only things exempted from Vanity and Vexation; i 1 1 ; 1'f1'~·~ thefe alone can the Soul find true Reft and Contentment. And therefore So!cmo 11 , ;~,~;:,;after he had pierc'd ~nd fearch'd t~rough all the World,. and pronoun.cq:l Riches, ·E~ t m Strength~ Be:m~y, W 1fdom, Learnmg, and all to be Vamry, and vexatton of Spirit; .!1Jdvot~ he refts hunfelf m the Clofe,and tells us, cap. 12.13. Let m hear the Omclujou of the whole J)'i<":'<t• ·~Matter: Fear God, and keep hU Commandments; fer thi& U the whole of JJ.fan: It is his ~es'-~~~r whole Duty, and his only Happinefs in this Life. ;:~;40~~~~f~ o1o9:: ~o,n J!J~{~'~&: t ,J9 dlutq;a-u.. M-r;~~~n m&~~ 11Up.~a./~"' tJr ~v«f,_.,Jov, ~' ,~e:.e.t.,t.IIO,v • u~ d.·:or'ri.~~~ nld.tl711f 11_g..1 ~~}'~r p,;ov. ~I'.UJI n«unv 7!1 K.h~U0ol 11U~t;TJJI.Idlll', ?mfi)t!V 11WJ~· u·u 01~ 11111 ?rCTi<rregJ· WMJ f3'MT(J,t. Antooit1· J, ot ~ u . To