Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

All that ~new him, and had the Honour and Happinefs of fo great an Example, pay down tbat Tribute in Sorrow, to bis Memory, .w/Jich they ow.ed_ofLove al!d Service to his Perfon. But, Madam, it is in vain to 1<ourifb fad Thougbts, . hy conjefluring to wbat.height he migbt have attained, if Tears hadnot been wanting to his Merits; for thougb his Jlo~fri}hing Hopes gave earnejl offo1llewhat jTI{ijl excellent avr/ .p}rfell, yet bath he now far oztt·flript even tbofe Hopes, and inflead of a great Man 011 Earth, is become a gloriOIU Sai1lt in Heaven: And certainly we have no jufl Caufe to quarrel the Divine Providence, for not ta~i1zg our Metbod to advance him. . That God would preferve yout Noble Sons yet remaining, . and lengthen out their Lives to fill up their deceafeJ Brother's Hopes, and their own too, that you may find no other mifs but in !fumber; that God would fanfJijie this heavy Strok_e both to you and them, and fit J.Ou for that Lajl which alone can come 1zearer, is the Prayer of, Hackney, Off.+ 1661. \ \ MAD"AM, Your Ladilhip's ll_JOft humble ' and obedient Servant, EZEKJEL HOPKINS. I \) l \: o\ \\-,J.\ < < I t. A