Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

°fat Rich M,114,4ndzazarsis. 101 bee ccnfdered in what trainer, or by tvhat force cfwcrds he replycd; and what was thematter el his replie : for the manner,itis in thefe words, Some, rtmtml er; and it is in fine words, though inwords ofno comfort to a toimen - fed foule,arid foule in h ll. Sonr e, favthAérabm, is if :hee had iayde, non ifrae1 i.; the f.L '},, and not in Ch; ifl, remember, which thou can_il not forget ifthou wouldett, ti-:ou haft had thy pleafures, and all thygood here,tl;at is , 'here thouhaft had no other god, but them,or it : In them was thy life buried, 2nd foulehid, de fpifingGod,& Gods poore members in all thy worldly profperity : but Laza. rtts dyed in his patience, and with paine at thy gate. Hee was a true lfraela: e, and in a poore life lerued no ether but the true.God and therefore hee now reapeth for hisfeede oft ea, es, the harueli of ioy : and thou for thy life, and pleafures abufed,rcceiuefl, and 'halt potiellepaines and woeend lelfe. In this fort replyed Aralam in this verfe; where Eft bee cals him fonne: Khicl, is not to it:ftihe, but more to condemnhim :f.r,as hecalled him father in noobedience, f©now hecals him fonne with ro comfort. Hee called him father, and would not doe as a fonne : and now _hee calleth him fonne, and will not bee as a father to him. Betìdes,he bids him remember, for a further ícourge ofhis confcience in the late lotieofall his delights pail which bee couldnot but remember with horrible tor- nient and griefe. Andhere wee learne, that the pleafures of(lane leave Doc., a bitter and wofull Joffeofremembrance in the confcicnce for hereafter : therefore Zophar i 1û1 fpeakingof the re- ioycingofthe vicked, howMort it is, andofall the ioy of hypocrites which is but for a inoment,fayth,tbat finwhich once was fweet in the mouthof the finner,and which bee hid vnderhis tongue, to wit, as iweete fugal.; fhall i urne in his bowels, asmeate Bath in the ftomacke; and lice íliall hauea loathfome remembranceofit in thevomite of thofc deadlymorfels,which heefhall bringvp againe: for P z God