Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

IT4 OftheRichman,and Laz:rus. to the judgement ofcondemnation, Aeslef i r.9. Alf) when fpirituall Babylon was fallen, the doorne thee recey- ued for her life ofpleafures was, So much as (her hued in pleafures, fa muchgiueyec to her oftorment and forrow,. .Apoc. I8.7) that is, weight for weight : or as thee could snake noend ()filer pleafures, fo let her haue no end of her ffrrowes,and put her deepe in hell, as her foule was deepe funkeinhellifh loth. And therefore Paul 'peaking of the lulls ofyouth, bids men to flye from them, z. Ti,,,. 2. 22. not togoefoot-pace from them, as if that would ferue; but to flye, as muchas if he hadfaid,they will fpeer dilyouertakeyou to perdition, ifyou turne not fpeedily asveder wing, from them to the Jife ofrighteoufnetfe, with them that callon theLord with apureheart. lob fay eth asmuch in effeti,wherehee confefreth that God might iu(lly have rooted out his plants, ifhis heart had walked af- ter his eye, lob 31.7.8. I will not fay how fidy, or vnfitly rather, this wasfpoken vnto,orofGod by:fiim concerning thecount isofthe Almighty, which are alwayes iui} : yet forcit is, that that holy manwas perfwaded that they iuft- ly deferae acutting off, who walke after their eyes heere, . that is, after them in vanities :and that thereis no hope for fcrch but in their found repentance. Looke not then if thou belong toChrii}, for ioy and profperity continually on earth;or to hauethy heauenhere, and in another world:. For it is a foule errour under the Sonne, and the dotage ofthofefooles,whomake this world their heauen,di make heauen nothing. And ifit bee true (as is is mot} fore) that theywho will followChrill, nut} fwimme after him in a fea ofburningglatTe, Apoc. 5.27 that is, bee call as into a fea, or followhim in a wholefea of miferies here: then toenioy and fidein this life (in foule and body)perpetual cafe, pleafure, and content, cannot but bean unfit thing fora true Chrif}ian,and heyreola better life.. The point . therefore is plaine, that there is nohope ofa better life, if weehaueour hope onely in this. The realm. Sys, can we come through aduerfity to happi:,