Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

126 ®jthe mae,finai Lazarus. Docl Letthem beare them. If Mo¡es and the Prophetsrnuí1 fpeakefiotn Godveto vs, thé we mull hears hirn,fpeakingiby them in his word, that is, by Mofes, who fhewed what wee fhould doe; and by the Prophets,who teachw1 at wee fhould beleeue araI doe. Ä1fo mention is made ofhearing them; becaufe in them there is workefor the care to heare, but none(faue dreading) for the eye to fee. In them wee hears a voyce, but cannot feeany fhape or fïrni1itude, Deut. 4.1 z. But this that is fpokcn ofhearingMotes and the Prophets, be. caufeno more was then written, is to be extended to the whole wordofScripture,as we haue it now and fo th e whole word is tobe heard, //poc.z.7. The dotrinefromhence is; Hearing is a neceffary, & the principali meanefor faluation in all Chriflian ahem. blies or all Chrillian Churches, and people mull heare, ifthey will bee filled: Therfore inProu.+ ao, and many like Scriptures,God offers his words,ác requiresourcares: foTros.i. z. An hearkning care, and anvnderflanding heart mull go together; fer the care is the furrow that re_ ceyueth the dca-rine ofthe word,and it works not but by hearing. Chri(l fayth,and the fame fayth the Spirit in di. uers Textsofthe Revelation: He that bath cares to heave: hee faythnot, hee that batheyes to fee, and what mull hee doe? not feca Stage furnifhed foraPlay in the Made; but heare what the Spirit will fay, to witte, byhis Wordand Ivlinillers to theCongregation, Mark. 13,9.flpoc. 2.7 .1 t. 17.29. & 3.6.13,2 z. The Apofile S. Parod teaching the beleeuinglewesand Romanes, howfauingfáith may bee gotten, fayth, Faith isby hearing, not by feeing, and Hea ringby the Word, Rom. i o. a 7,to reached, as ver.8.14. not bygaudes and Images, calledby the Papif#s, Lay,mesa books. And he that turneth away his eare,(fayth Salerno') from theLaw. Heedoth not fay, his eyefrom feeing, but his care floraheating it, refuting to beeinfTruded by it, or from