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of the rich max,andLazarus: ®wnehomc,RiItk.4. Ix, And heere it is true which is Epos ken by one ; that there sear newer good hou/e kept dy Gentle- men,/ince the Tailor rtsea(teredtheir/ ni by thejard. Sornuch for the Rich mans clothing, his funaptuousfare followcth. endfaredfu, pttse ripener) day. What , cuery day and that fumptucrufly, orchoifely cuery day ?this was a double finne: one,thathewas glum fa much to hs belly ;another, that he was giuen foconti. nually to it : one, that hefed fo curioufly and daintily ; an- other,that he fed fo, not at certaine times, but daily :and by filch fiiiingc.f the belly with I:wares , and fluffingof the headwith drinkes , made himfelfe altogether vnfit for any goodduri s calling. I doe not fay but the cup may iomi times overflow : and that a - Chrifiian maybe morecheer, full, and feede more liberallyat one dale, then at another. For, euen Chrifl at a marriage in Cana, appror tied a more liberall and fill diet, then at another time het wouldhaue done, loh. 2 9. But howdoth this iufifle that ftelnesofbread which wasSodcmr, and thisrtchm2nr finne? .Etech:I 6.49, Cs r, howdoth it warrant at any time,anycar ting out of Godsfeare e and if no fuch eating at Any time, how much leffe then anycómonnesthis way? Two things thereforeare reproueablein thisvoluptuous rich man. The firll,tl:at he was fo curious for his belly : the fecond, that he was euery day fo, for whichhis foule is in hell. Out ofbothwhich welearne,that all abufeofineatesand Doc`lr. I. di inkes to excetfe,is a finne to hell. In the 13 ,Chapter to theRorn nes,the dpoftle ofthe Gentiles, Saint ?R.'1, hauing exhorted fucbbelecuers at Rome as hadpot on tine ar41e ît of liQht,to keepe the path of life; faith, Not ingluttonyand c¿runkennes : as ifhehad faid, thefe are out ofyour way to filuation :walke therefore honefily, that is,in temperance, and not in thefe , ifyou meane to be faced, Rom.. 3.13. From whence it muff nc:edes follow,that they offend to damnation, who di inke as much as a Horfe,andnot fo fo- berlyas lice : and who make it theirexercife to Bate 2nd C drinke