Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

OftheRichMa»,anALazaras. t i theirs,whooppreffe him todeathby taking awayhisbread. Now, doe theeues andmurtherers offend to damnation : and doe not voluptuous theeues,and murtherers offendfo too ? Secondly, filch an abufeof the creatureoppreffeth the heart with frtrfetttvg and drrankennes : and how can the heart fooppreffed,and perfon lining in fucha tradeofeaceeding looke to be faced e Thirdly,it is flat idolatrie, making the belly a God. Old idolaters turned the image of a heat intoGod , and thefe new , turne the imageofGod into a beaft. But idolatrie is a finne; and are not idolaters fin- nersunto hell ? Fourthly,it is a chaisew adultery todrawe it in.For fuch eaters in'exce1Ì ,anddrinkersout ofmeafure cannot be (b) chafl'eperfons ;or there is no fleeping in thefe, and watching again ftadultery :and who can lay on b Prou. more fewerbut bee hail haue a greater flame e Ier.5.8. 2 3 :3o. Now,can not adulterers without repentancebe faced? and 3 3, Thal' not thatthat makethadulterers, be a fin= to dam. nation 2 Heerewe fee in what a fearefiull (late they flandofwret. chednes, and perdition fromGod, whofollow that curfed fellowhip which men call good f llowhip. For whither Both it leade thefollowers, but to'the houfewhere thedead are ; Prof,. 9. t 8. De4th is in the pot : 2. Ki41..4.4o. Hell and death in their drunken pors : but ifwe will not be damned with fuchmatcs,wemuff not follow theirdamnable wales; that is , their potter of exceifo , and pipesof fmoke :and where filch liueto gate, we that wouldnot be iudged fuck, muff Bate to liue toGod. There aremanyEf«ssnow,and their number is without number that hunt all for the belly in thewidefield ofan Fpicurih-life :but we muff be ofan- other number,andfollow another courfe,that meane tofol. low the Lambe,or to be the.fir( frafitcs to God,a»dto Crrff : Apor;. x4,4. And we that hanethe hopeoftheSaints, muff feparatefrom inch, alwai.es in affe c ion,and as muchaswee may in body;felfe,as we delightin their company on earth, we muff looke to beare them company in hell. Let them confider this, who can take no filch delight in the fel. C 2 ltwt'thip MEW