Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRichman,andLazarus. I y fitie,as Godbath dealt the meafure unto them ofhispower andgift to doe it with For the fentenceof the great day proceedethagainfl the damned on Chrifls left hand, in this formeofwords : Dcpartfrommelee occurred intoeuerlaf ng fire. The reafon isgiuen : For Iwas an bunk red,andyeegat:e m. nowore : 1 thirJled, andycegame me no drin1Ze r 1 was Jiran er, andyee lodged me not : naI ed,andyee clothed tee not fccke,andsnprifon, andyee virited lase not. The Judge dothnot fay ; I was hungry , and yee woke away my bread : and thirily, and yee deceiued meofmy drinke : or, I was hare boucles, becaufe yee mademe fo : and naked, foryou kept away my clothes.Nor dothhe fay ; I was ficke, and yeea£ flit edme, nor yee call meinto prifon ; but I was ficke and in prifon , andyee carne not to me. So the inhabitants of Meroz were accurfed ; not for taking part withthe enirnie, but for not tak t the Lords part againffbic enimies, Iudg. 5. 2 3 . And the axe is laid to the mote ofeuery tree that 6rinAeth forth nogoodfroit,though it bringforthno bad;for the cutting ofit dow;setodeath f,e14 2at.3.to,thoughChriflians,wlio fhould be trees of ribhteoufnesin the Church , as it were garden ofGod,beare noeuil fruit,yetiftheybeare rogood, there hangeth ouer their heads an axe ofcutting downe Our goodworkes cannot faue vs ; but our euill, or want of good,are able to condemne vs. This plea in mans Court, that we haue done no manharme, is good : but it will not hold in that Court , where not onely the cull! done is iud- ged, but the goodundone mull be anfwered for. To this agreeth that prouerbiall fpeech ofSalomon : He that turrerl> away his carefrom the trieof thepoore , he faith not,he that makes him cry,fhalcry timefeefe,andnot be heard,Prsti.21.1 3. That is, thoughhe fall into fuck miferieas !hall make him crie, and that to God andman for helpe ; yet neither God nor man flailhelpe him. So it isproued,not only that we flhould`not hurt the prore, ifwe will be faued ; but that, (as their needes !hall require) we rnuf helpe them, to our bca abilitie, ifwe will not perith with the cruell thatcannot be faued.