Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

3/ , Of t he Riab ,Pdal L4 rue. íhould come home to them, in perfon, fee their wants and rniferies , and accordingly prouide for them out of that that is gathered for fuch vfes : for feeing they cannot come to vs, is it not neceifary wee fl:ould fend to them ? And that therefhould bee filch acommoncollection made , may bee prooued by the Apcaflles ch .xge to the Churchof Corinth, which, in that Church , is giuen toe. eery Church and kariflr now ; That emery ate p# afide by hiznfelfe, and lay vp its Goal hat;profpered him : to wi:,tor common gatherings, i. Cor. 16. 2. Alfo, that there fhoulei bee fuch fending to thepoore, withoutcomming : for it isplaine by another charge gio uen in this verymatter, by godlyNehemiah, who willed the people, in the dayef their feaf$, and after they them_ felues hadeaten and drunks oftheheft, to fendvnto them for whomnene isprepared, Nehem. S. io. Hee fayeth, Send it : He fayth not, Let them come toyorsr doores to beggeit. But fornecannot come; and Lazarsrs (here) with much adoe cone to the richmans gate. Such fhould bevifìted by the godly rich in their poore and homely hobs. So lob, hee that is called the Father e f the Poore, for his rcrcies to the powre , didnot onely feede and clothe thofe whomehee knew to bee hungry and without couer; but, left any fhouldpedal, whomhee couldnot heare of, heeenquired with his tongue, and vied has eyes to fee them, Ìob 3 I. 17. 19. Such an Ouerfeer of the poore was this mercifull man inhis daycs. Chrill, alto, fpeaketh.of.vRing thefick and inprison, in his tail doomeof iudgement; andpro. nounceth fentence of damnation againfl thofe that had not todone, Mat. 25. 36.43. Where it appearethtebe a ncetlarydutie in the richer Parifhimers, not onely to helpe thofe that, in great extreinitie, comeveto them; but to enquire of thofe that cannot come, and haue more neede : and left-they Mould faile inpict'e, togee to their houfes and fee them :Forwhen theygoo thus with 1frio?s, to lookevpontheir turf hens,Exod.24I 1, by that flronger au trac`liuetopitty , (fecing) theycannot but bemoremoued to