Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

lüi 34 eifrbc t;icb m nandLazarus. him, bynot comming to him, howCan the laceo fGod be sta vt,faith Saint lohn i''John 3.17. Not fufficient therefore toglue at our doores ; but wo mull enquire,or hearken afterfuck as are inwant ; fpecially poore and (icke-houfekeepers, chiefely thofeof thehouf holdof faith and hearing of them , we muff fend unto: them according to our (tore. For loue is painefu11,anden. deth not in a pennie - almes, but is rich ingood workZes,'.Cor: 13.7.' .7ím.6.' 7. Charitiebindethvs that are Chriflians, to more then to thegiuiLigofa pennie by the way, or ofa peece of bread to beggarsat our doore. For our Saviour Chrilf, charging the vnmercifull on his left hand, that they had negleded todoe good where they owed it , to wit; to his poore; fpeaketh ofmore then offeeding thehun- grie,or ofgiuing them a cup of drinke. Forhe faith further: Iwas nakedand yee clothedme not , a iranger andyee lodged me not ;iickeand inprifan, andyee vifited me not,21 íath.2 5.43 in which particulars,Chriffs meaning is to fhewe that mere cy is to be exercifed in all thefe, and that thedoingofone ofthem,or oftwo,excufethnot a Chri(êian. Therefore hoe ly lobdid not onely not eate his morfells alone, but made thepoore todrinke ofhisfountaines,and warmedthe naked with hisfleece, and receined home vnto himthe wandringflranger. Thisdid lob, thefather oft hepoore; whowell deferued the name. And fo fhould all rich-chriflìans doe P and fwch be, or may well be called, Fathers of thepoore, as fob was. For as a naturall father prouideth not onelybread for hischild, but raiment,lodging,and otherneceiTàries : fo richandable Chrif}ians fhouldas fathers, not onfly doe one but all of thefedutiesto Gods pNore,asto the children ofGod, and their brethren in him. All cannot doeail this , andfonne that haue theheft minde , haue the fewefl meanes ; yet let finch offer their two mites, the gift of their good will, and it will fufiice. And now to moue the vnwilling toa worke offilch import, and fo commanded ; let them firfR confider that the cafe ofthepoorefi may (God knowes howoone). be made theirs. They are rich to day, theymay be poore tç