Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRicb man,and Lazarus. 43 Thirdly, ifthey benot inclined as their Mainers, they Cannot hope to haue their countenance : and the greatcL number will rather lofeGods faueur,then theirs. An admonition toMainers to begood themfelues,ifthey Vfe. r. wouldnot haue their peoplenaught, like thernfelues. For ßt the lodge it, fo arehis officers, 'good or euil1, yritch. io .2. Therefore Ghri(l,when he would feegood fruits ofafami- lie,beginnesat the tree ofthem in the Nl aifler,Math.t 2.3 3 dlbrodeam,giuen to hafpitalitie, his wife was fo too , and fo VI/2S Lot , brought vp in his houfe, Gen. z 8.6 7.8.& $ 9.2. Where the Maio}er is godly as lofph, the feruants will be godly, as loftphs chiefeferuant , Gen.43.2 3, or feemefo : but wickedMainers, as 1bfakm, haue wicked feruants, like tholeofAbf4lom, 2.Sam. z 3 .28. So where the Mailler isa l3apifl, theferuants muff bePapifls,or fauourPapiflrie.And wherehe isaeuter, or lake- tvartne, they mull be indin', rent. As the babybends,fo mull the fha (I owe : children and fer- uants in ahoufe, are commonly fhadowes to the minde of their Parents, and other ouerfeers. Thefe are theparty co- loured roddes they lookeat,atad their examples, the colour they conceiueby,Gen.30.3 9. Thou fwearcfl beforethy lit. tleones ; and they heare thee well inough: for euen there littlepitchers hauecares : and mull not they fweareas fall, when thy example teacheth them ? Thou dollnot reue- rence Godsword, or Miniffers : and will thy feruants and children doe better ? Thou haft tenants, and they fee thee noway traely to countenancegood th rigs , nor tobean- gryateuill : and will they hate the euill, andchufe good r. or doe not they marke what countenance thou giuefl to the Preacher, and what words againllhim?And fo as thou pipet} they dance : in what way thou leaden of zeale or coldnes in religion they follow;naturallyin coldtles,hypo- critically in zeale. A terrour to all¡Superiours in btal ex- Vfe.2. ample. For when their inferiours doe badly,orotherwaies then they fhould,theyare the winds thatmoue them. bro. ioam,that made Ifrael to finne is Maifler,and Princedom : and they !hall anfwere as fanners for themfelues : and es G z exanrples