Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

_.._._.__...._.... 43 of the Richman,andLazarus..' Thelocufls -that goe-forth -by bands, th-at is, IIrongly.tl?ge= Cher, and not weakely by few in companie,,are witnefa fes again(' the diui(ìons of Chrillendome, that (feparately) make themielues a prey,whep (jointly) they might make a beautifisli rmy,V. z7 And theSpider that labeureth fo buAily about her web , and takes holdofher threadwith fuc-h in. duílryandconfancie, is a Shane to.the flothfull in their vo- cation, who.takenobadeof Titre forany good ptirpofe vnder theSon.v.28.Loe here,whomay beour teachers, or will be our acculers, though man fliould fay nothing. Let vs therefore among fo many vwitneifes,walke circumfpec`T ly, not as fooles but as wile : fo I come tothat which is common bothw this rich rnan,and Lazarus. Verte 22. trQrd it wasfo,that the Begger died,Ve. That which was common to the rich man and Lazarru is,that they both died. For in the beginning of theverfe it is laid, the begger died : and in theend of is,that the rich man died alfo.Now to die ,properlyis to haue the foulefe. uered from thebody : and foall mutt haue, poore and rich that die. This pore man was bitten todeath of the dog ofhunger : and the otherrichman, though hefelt nohun. ger, yet could not a_uoide thedart ofdeath ;fur both the poore and richdied. Dodr. t: Where welearne that the (late or conditionofthepoore and rich is one concerningdeath , and that theLawof it is vniuerfall. Ouediesa1u'ellgsasrother,the wifvnanas thefoale: .Ecclef.2.t G : and all f efh is gr.?fire , .fa.4o.6. Theflat of pooremen and the fleflr of Kings is gralTe ; and both cut downe bydeath, the courfefi gratic,and the linea flower ofgralTe. Death is the worme in every gourd mortali; Ion.4,7 : and Priucet die likeother men.Pfccl.82.7.Thepoint is plaine by the experience of all theages bothoftime, and perfons pail; and thcrfore theProphet in the Pfal.89. V48, maketh