Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRich man,andLazarus, fare (I naeanedeath,in kinde) is by his dying iiiade no death to theiäè,bu.t their doore to-the Icingdórn.of heateeas.Heb.. 2, 14.15. Laitly, the lawofdeath takes holdofall; that the gods lybeeing vnder the arrelI of it as well as others, though norvnderthe tyrannyofit as the wicked, Haight enter ins. to life by that gate, by which Chrilt their head paired to his glory; thegateofputting off this mortal'. and earthlie houfe,in death. But doe therich dye as well'as thepoore, the King as. thebegger? Then letthegreat ones learne, not to defpife. nanerperfbns attheir fee, nor infolefitly to aduance therm Nuts aboue them : for they haue one Mother , and ßg3ÿ to one houle. Corruption is Father to both, both baue one Sider, the Warme, and both /b.t/i lye downe toge- therin the ds, , Iob 17. 13,14,16. Heere thepooreman d.yed,: and dyed not the rich mn as well as bee ? Depth. notthis.fword deuoure.onc as well as another 2. ,Saar. 1:i.2-4; Is not the mouth ofit the graue that receyueth rich and poor.e : and .what is one heape of duft better then an 'other in the darke climbers b of the dead? Difference of perfons ferues but for this1ífe aster it,all goe to onePlace: and great men play betterparts on the.high (tage of this. world.thenmeaner doe; but when theplay is done, on goes theirowne apparrell again , the common weare of mortality,&all are clad 'alikewith corruption & wormes. Who confidering this as beef}hould, cloth not fee and codeffe,that there is neyther profit nor worth in there vain things? And who feting and confefíing *much, willbe , :Co proudof that.which is nothing e M.Carewon this text. What; faith one, doe great poifeffionsand this greatneiie, tobee rich in grounds auayle men, when apeeceofground offlue foote .rnuLcontaine them ? What better for. their {lately hayufes,when boundhand andFoote, they mutt bce put in the IIraitehoufeofa fimple.cof£tat What better for their rich apparrell, when a (beete of no great Thew muff ato.wdethem`?; And .what doeth their daintie fare, and reeve. w