Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

$4 oftheRichmrtttondLavin's. how fhort4ple4/xre , 'Whit aKingdom° hags° I toff: So,hat ioyes haue Ilofl,and ofwhat continuance? and what nai- ferieshaae I gained, and how endleffe, for idle then a difl ofwater: What madrietfeto enioy the pleafures of finnefor a feafon, and after to lye in tormenrs offirefor e- uer This Ridi man would hauegiuen the world, if the world had beenehis toglue: to haue beene ridde of his torments but one poore houre, or to bane had any little cafe of then in hell: but ifall the Angels and Saints of Heauen, would, as wee maynor thinke they would,haue begged of Chrifl.for him, they could hauedone him no good in that placeoftorments. Therefore while there ishope, and while the Lord may bee found, let vs feeke hi,n,to wirte, in the way of obedience to the Gofpeíl, Efary 55. 6. If yee wi;l not come into this place oftorrents where there is no corne ming out,. heare MMfee- and the Prophets ira the olde Te flament, and Chri(I in the New., Ltsç. x 6.28. Come to Church : Hearereverently an Church, and praaife care- fully when yeeare gone from Cberrch. Repent yee of your Cannes, and that to day; that is, while yee may call and beheard, conuert and bee healed. It can beno good husbandrie in you or any, to put offyour fowingtill the time ofreapingcome, and topay for afew :ample trifles, the lo1ffa ofyour precious foules for euer. O thinke of thefe things now in thefe dayes ofmere cy, andwhile the gate i "open, llriue to enter. The foule is more worth then all the world, and all riches,pkaftires,. andproftes arebut loire anddun; in comparifon of it Further, robe feuered fromGod Se Chrifl in the torments ofhell, is a plague about all plagues, mortal!. and earthly. Now is the time to redeerne thypoore foule : I fay flaw, becaufe thou knowefl not what may happen in an boute, and in .a, moment weeare taken away. O therefore now