Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

88 O,the Reich 4e4rr rAMA razarus. death,what before he wouldnot fee. Which teacheth that death , which is preuented of the righteous, preuenteth chinas. The rich man in theGofpel,whoprorrifed tohimfelfea life ofmanyyeeres , had not thepccre lite acne night to prepare for death , which tooke him awayin h'sconetonf- nefe,Luk. i z. a 9.2 o. And Agagfa:dmerriy,tbebitternsfe of death is part ; when (the fame heurej bitter death which he thous ht tobe paí-t , pierced him to the heart , being haven inpeeces before the Lord inGiljal, i.Sam, a g. 3 2.3 3. And what warning had Herod, when vpon his roiail throne, in the tight ofall his flatterers, bee was fuddenly ftricken with death by an Angel? A61..12.2 3. When the oldworld thought leaf} ofa change, the flood ofdeath cvime, Luk. z 7.27. And Sodome with her Cities thought leaftofeleath, when her end came fuddenly byfirefrom keanen.v.29. As therefore the diuels Laid to C,brill fo are the Kicked driuen to fay todeath: Art tboaa come to torment vs beforeossr time? Math. 8. 29. At So : at 6o : at moreyeeres,it is ewer outoftime : and they faywith Ieheram,Isapeace? z.Kinga .$/.They knownotifit be. The reafons. Theyhaue no hope in death , and in this life onely theyhaue their pleafure andheaven. Secondly , they cannot ceafe to finne, and therefore cannotbe in the minde to lookefor death, that cafieth in- to hell for finne. Thirdly , they are the inhabitants of the earth , vpon whom death commeth fuddenly , asthefnarevpon the bird, Luk 21.35. Vfea An infirudion to thinke cfeuery prefent day as of the day ofour death,and to doe that euery day,that we would gladly befound doing at our dying day. For death giueth no warning,more then the theefe of his com ainQ, Mach./ 4- 43 .AndhowBone are we gone : or how luddenlymay our death come ? perhaps before we goe out at thefe doores, perhaps.at honie,perhaps inour way,as we aregoo ing